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  1. Clarrisani


    We've had it for about a month here in Australia. Started just as Supernatural was ending (same network, one after the other - Monday night was heaven for a while there) and just before Doctor Who started. Torchwood is on Network Ten at 9:30pm on Monday's (usually starts at 9:50 because of Big...
  2. Clarrisani

    Why is This? Your Theories

    Anyone else noticed that Nick and Greg have never worked a case together? Sure they've worked together on team cases or with another CSI, but never just the two of them. They're the only ones. So, I pose this question to you: why? What theories do you have as to why Nick and Greg have never...
  3. Clarrisani

    AUS-NZ Season 7 Ep Discussion

    Thread Dedicated to the countries of Australia & New Zealand Season 7 kicks off in Australia on February 18th on Network Nine. Built to Kill Part 1 is on at 8:30pm, with Built to Kill Part 2 following immediately thereafter at 9:30pm. It's finally here, folks! And up against Grey's Anatomy, I...
  4. Clarrisani

    CSI Rankings

    I was wondering if anyone knows what the different rankings are for CSIs, and how and when they can be reached. I recall that on one NY episode Mac told Danny that Danny was almost CSI level 2 as he was approaching three years, but I'm not sure if this is how it actually works. Thanks!