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  1. M

    The Rock Romance Quiz

    i got 8/10 and i really have no idea how :confused:
  2. M

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    do you know what i did NOT lose the sheets ok?
  3. M

    It's just a chick thing [Girl Talk!]

    i want to have a huge wedding with all my girlies there with me to hold my hand and my family on the front row and wear a huge dress and go off and live together forever....... with many baby unicorns and fairies flying round :lol: i do believe in true love and i do think i'll find it. bt im...
  4. M

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    to E: you know what. if you wanna be all over each other fine. but do it when your alone don't put us all through the trauma of seeing you. to R: why can't you see how much your hurting her? why do you have to be like that when shes around? it was a mistake ok and i know shes sorry for what she...
  5. M

    High School Musical!!!!!!

    well now i feel stupid cos i think ryan's kinda hot :lol: no i really do! i love hsm. my best mate and me were singing it in geography all day on friday. is ryan actually meant to be gay? im so confuzzled :lol:. does anyone know??????? i have to know :lol:
  6. M

    Getting To Know Each Other

    1) Name: Moosaibob (don't ask :lol:) 2) Birthday: 30th May 1991 3) Age (for those who don't wanna do the math): 15 4) Favorite Music Genre: anything really 5) Favorite Band/Singer: i'm loving Butterfly Boucher and The Feeling 6) Favorite Song: Never Leave Your Heart Alone-Butterfly Boucher 7)...
  7. M

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    To my boyfriend: you don't know how much you mean to me. you're everything to me but i just can't tell you because, judging by today, i don't mean as much to you. :( To my best girlie: thanks for being there for me when i needed you. you always are and even though i say i hate him, i don't. you...
  8. M

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    i can't believe i had to work ALL day yesterday :( i can't believe i already spent all my wages! i can't believe i have to go to school tomorrow. i can't believe how much i can't believe!! :lol:
  9. M

    British Fans... Who would you cast in CSI: London?

    me thinks we all have a bit of an obsession with David Tennant!!! I really think he'd be good 'cos he's got a really calming voice. he'd be kinda like Horatio, sort of.
  10. M

    csi new york music video

    omg your video is so good. i nearly cried when Flack squeezed Mac's hand. :( but a great video! :)
  11. M

    The “Get rid of Boa Vista!!!” Thread

    Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread Totally with you on that. I do like and respect the actress and all but.....the character's just soooooooo annoying. on a lighter note though, go Frank!!! :)
  12. M

    British Fans... Who would you cast in CSI: London?

    I totally agree about not letting Billie Piper on the show. I think she got enough screen time in Dr. Who... acting with David Tennant. So unfair! Also we should do CSI:Nottingham because everyone says it's rubbish but it's really not. Sorry, I'm slightly protective of places :lol:
  13. M

    What do you want to see?

    sorry bout that. i forgot. i was very tired when i posted. sorry won't happen again i promise
  14. M

    What do you want to see?

    i'd want warrick to dump tina too. she's soooo annoying. also greg getting naked. that'd make my day, no week, no month, no....year!!! :lol: sorry i'm slightly obsessed with greg. also i want the whole GSR storyline to actually go somewhere cos if they leave it like that then i'm going to be...
  15. M

    British Fans... Who would you cast in CSI: London?

    i like the idea of Eccleston as a coroner too. Also how about Esther Hall as the young female CSI. Oh yeah, im very keen on David Tennant being involved in the show in anyway so long as he's on screen alot! :p :lol:
  16. M

    The Fake Spoiler Thread

    :lol: i can actually see that happening. it'd be quite a scary film though :lol:
  17. M

    Real Corpse Found on CSI: New York Set

    i think i'd cry if i found someone dead. seriously i'd just sit in a corner and cry. i feel really sorry for the person who found the guy. :(
  18. M

    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Greg is dancing round the lab singing: 'I like to move it, move it I like to move it move it Yeah I like to MOVE IT!!!' ( i love madadgascar in case you couldn't tell :lol: and these are all really good everyone ) :)
  19. M

    What CSI Hairstyle would you like to have?

    I'd love to have Stella's hair but Calleigh's colour or maybe Sara's colour. hmmm