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  1. L

    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    I saw Little Miss Sunshine a few days ago and I thought it was hilarious. It started off kinda slow but by the ending I was laughing so hard. :)
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    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I'm reading a book called "Another Way Home" which is suggested reading (otherwise known as mandatory) for school
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Wow I haven't been here in a bit! :lol: Anyway I've come here to beg for some help. I need a Beta but its not for a N/G story. I'm doing a project on gay rights and for the creative part of my project I wrote a little short story that I need some help tweeking. So anyone willing to volunteer...
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    Best Ship - Slash!

    W00t go Nick and Greg! :D
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    I know what you mean I totally thought the fish were cannon too and felt stupid for not knowing what episode they were mentioned in and then of course it turned out to be fannon :lol:
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Now we're going to have to use the poking stick on you Kelly! :devil:
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Is this better Kelly? :D
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    *sprays soda onto monitor* Oh my gosh that picture is hilarious!:lol: Thanks Jessy you've made my day! :D ETA: Thanks Wojo for the name of the ringtone and for the article! :)
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    This has got to be one of my most favorite episodes ever and thank goodness I taped it! :D I'll have to watch it again and see if I can catch what ringtone Greg has cuz as soon as I find out I'm so downloading it :lol:
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    I just watched it! I liked the combination of still pictures with the video :)
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Guess what movie I saw yesterday guys?? Brokeback Mountain of course!!! :D Now I actually understand what you guys are talking about :lol: and Kelly I can't wait until you finish that video! :)
  12. L

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    1. Probably Grave Danger just because I can't get enough Nicky angst 2. Only one episode! Well I guess I'd pick "Bad Words" because that's the episode where Nick touches Greg's chest and calls him doll! I'm squeeing just thinking about that scene :D
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Hey guys! *Squeezes into the tent and unrolls a sleeping bag* Geez I take a little vacation and now there is all of this fic that I must catch up on! I think I'll be up all night. Not that that's a bad thing ;)
  14. L

    Corny Commercials You Love (Or Hate)

    I completely forgot about the Gnome! He is so awesome :D I like the one where he is on a flying chair trying to tell customers that the pool is closed at their hotel and he ends up in the stadium lights :lol:
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    Corny Commercials You Love (Or Hate)

    I love the Staples commercial with the "copy cat" because they can't afford a copier machine they show a cat painting a pie chart with it's paws. I squee everytime it is so cute :D
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    Last Song Syndrome

    Lifehouse - Sick Cycle Carousel
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    How tall are you?

    I'm 5'7" and I would convert that to cm but I'm too lazy :lol:
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    Oh yeah the vodka myths were hilarious. I was cracking up when Tory sprayed the bees with vodka :lol: and more vodka bees survived than did the water bees :lol:
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    I recently saw the farting episode. By the end I couldn't breathe it was so funny! Esp. watching Adam trying to catch his own farts in a freezing cold bath tub! and then Carrie got to have the samples analyzed by the mass spectrometer thingy and I yelled at the TV, "hey they have that on CSI!" :lol:
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    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** *gasp* the President is behind everything???? :eek: :eek: How in the hell could that spineless wimpy SOB be behind everything?!?!?! I mean if he was in on everything why did he enforce martial law? Hell why did he do a lot of the things he did do? What has he...