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    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    I will try more often mo..i missed you guys too.! Edited to add the "/" so the rest of the post doesn't go into the quote box and because I can now see the YouTube link is in the signature and not in the post.
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    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    sorry..i appologize..i had quite an was just a shock ya sorry..i understand everyones opinions and respect them and im sorry!!
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    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    ok so ive been reading these past two pages..and in MY OPINION. alot of people say that the D/l relationship has no chemistry, shes been there for a friggin year and a half and they still have well all of a sudden tptb bombard us with this D/A crap [i mean it in a...
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    Peyton vs. Lindsay -- Who Do You Like More?

    i voted for a D/L shipper and i cant ship them with out the both of them:confusing:. I absolutly love Anna and i think she pulls lindsay off in every episode she does, so what if she adds some drama..there are lots of shows that add drama..other forensic based shows. I voted for...
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    Who Here is Going in to Forensic Science?

    im going to be a forensic scintist i dont care how much they get paid or wether the job is right for me..nothing is going to stop me..i will be a forensic scientist...
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    How would CSI find your body?

    well since im planning on being a CSI i really dont know how.. where: probably somewhere realistic like in the woods or somwthing who: probably a killer i never cant get them all oh now i know how. Badly decomposed, my COD will be GSW in my head. its not like i think aobut this...
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    Top Ten Favourite Songs

    1.sexyback=hello..dr.allie..of course-justin timberlake 2.heartbeatz=dj pulse stoned- justin timberlake 4.summer love-justin timberlake 5.maneater-nelly furtado{sp} 6.360-josh hoge 7.chemical bomb-aquabats 8.chemicals react-Aly&Aj love-justin timberlake 10.fergalicious-Fergie!!!
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    Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

    HELLO EVERYONE!! Teh party has arrived!! actually Congratulations on the new thread!! and i promise to come in and hang out once and a while!!
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    CSI:New York - Who's Your OTP??

    my OTP is Danny and lindsay o'course i also ship stella and flack stella and mac stella and hawkes wow..stella is feeling the love huh? i ship them..i just dont..hard core ship them..ya know?!
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    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    HI lots going on.. first of totally excited for this eps. but i hope we arnt let down at all. i will be crushed, all i want is some d/l. I think its crap that TPTB are keeping D/l from unfair. they better make up with some powerful magical amazing scene, but i...
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:NY

    Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY hello everyone..since this is a debate..and since im a d/l shipper i can come on here? Cant i? well anyway.. since im the only d/l shipper to post on this page..[btw im learning to be nice to other i took a risk and posted on here..i promise...
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    Grade 'Open and Shut' my opinion..and no one hurt me please..i do think it was uncalled for Stella to yell at lindsay. All Lindsay was doing was asking questions..the 'hard' questions.that Stella apperently taught her to do. Stella was upset. yes i can understand that.but that doesnt give her an excuse to yell...
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    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    thank you Mo i loved it..and did you all notice..Hawkes gets a hes even cuter..and hasnt lindsay already woren that blue shirt..oh well maybe they really really like it..and yeah..ok..ill stop there..i have so many questions..and yeah
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    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    HELLO..GUESS WHO IS BACK..*waves* i just decided to sneak in here. anyway i got season 2 on saturday first thing i did was watch all the d/l eps. the moment i became a d/l shipper was Feb. 14, i was thinking of the eps. "Stuck on You." and i went They look so cute together. So i came on...
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    Grade 'Oedipus Hex'

    OK..HERE GOES this eps. was ok. to me. it was like 'hung out to dry' and it wasnt as bad as 'people with money.' it was sorta stuck in between! loved the d/l moments, danny with the bike, and how could you all forget ...THAT MOODY GUY TOTALLY KICKED FLACK..IN THE CHEST!!!. yeah i bet your...
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    Grade 'Hung Out to Dry'

    A+...FIRST OF THE SEASON!!! I really loved this eps. even though there was no d/l, this eps. really kept me tuned in. i was very impressed, Hammerbacks line.."off with her head." LOVED IT. Ok the second dead guy w/the RR spikes in his head.WOW!!!! No WORDS.. the thing i really loved were...
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    My CSI:NY encounter - the experience of a lifetime so jealous..;) im glad you had a good time though!!! wanna take me on your next trip ;) hehe
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    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    Hi everyone..i really liked the eps. I thought the d/l scenes were played out perfectly. i like the fact taht lindsay FINALLY admited that she liked danny more than a friend. I was kinda angry at first after the eps. because i thought the ship was gonna sink..i was in fact told many times it was...
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    Grade 'Not What It Looks Like'

    ok..i gave it an A-.I know last week i gave it a C. but just read. and always remember..and some may hate but im a D/L shipper, so my opinion may be different OK...i know last week i had some pretty ..umm bad things to say about the eps. but this week brought me back. This eps. is an example of...