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  1. R

    Celebrity Crushes

    My tastes are more, erm, unorthodox, if you will. Carmine Giovinazzo (well, not too unorthodox) - Does this require explanation? Adrien Brody - Geeky, lanky, ballsy (see kiss with Halle Berry at Oscars). Nathan Fillion - The man's talent for comedy is astounding. Plus, he's cute and dorky. He...
  2. R

    Everyone's age?

    Sad? I was at a dance recently (right after I had turned eighteen) when a middle-schooler came up to me and started talking to me. When she asked me how old I was, I told her, and she said, "Really? You look like you're fourteen."
  3. R

    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons "Fighting evil by moonlight! Winning love by daylight! With the sailor scouts to help fight, she is the one named Sailor Moon!" Aaaah, even after seven years, I still remember that wonderfully cheesy theme song. My favorite was Sailor Saturn, then Neptune, then Pluto. I...
  4. R

    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons Sailor Moon, Kay Nielsen, and Yoshitaka Amano.
  5. R

    What are you reading?

    I just finished the Lynne Truss manners book (sorry, I'm too lazy to re-type the entire title.) I have to say that I agree with nearly everything that's said in there. I can't say I've read The Outsiders. It's probably short enough for my attention span, so I might. Right now I'm...
  6. R

    Where you from?

    Je suis née à Montréal, mais maintenant j'habite près de Détroit. Sorry, I'm a little pedantic. :D I was very fortunately born in Montreal, though I now live somewhere near Detroit.
  7. R

    The Random Facts Thread

    More paper is used to make manga than toilet paper in Japan. Paul McCartney dreamt the tune to "Yesterday". Extroverts like citrus perfume more than other kinds of perfume. The first novel was written by a Japanese woman, now known only as Murasaki Shikibu, around 1000 A.D. called Genji...
  8. R

    Everyone's age?

    BWAHAHAHAHA! Responsible? Pfft! :rolleyes: I'm eighteen and I don't feel a day older than fourteen. Hmmm, maybe fifteen. I've never been more irresponsible in my life, either. I blame school.
  9. R

    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons Hee! Great idea for a thread! I didn't make these icons (I have my own source ;)), but here are some that I've had made for me. The fandoms are From Eroica with Love and Much Ado About Nothing (the pictures are from the Kinuko Y. Craft cover of the play).
  10. R

    Everyone's age?

    I agree with wibble here. The idea of getting old doesn't scare me at all. On an episode of Penn and Teller's Bullshit, they cited statistics about people in their sixties who said that the best decade of their lives was...their sixties. I hate the idea of being young and ignorant - I love...
  11. R

    What are you reading?

    Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door by Lynne Truss. She is my hero (heroine?) for dealing with two topics that regularly send me on tangents: punctuation and manners.
  12. R

    What is your favourite anime?

    I was a rabid anime fan for years until my sophomore year of high school. Then anime got really popular, and all the fans I knew were incredibly annoying, so I stopped with my obsession. In any case, I was always a big fan of old, somewhat obscure ones than the really popular ones. Except for...