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  1. M

    The Tangiers

    The Tangiers was created in the movie "Casino" with Robert DeNiro. It's CSI nod to that movie.
  2. M

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

    Not a problem. Always willing to help out my friends in the ward.
  3. M

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

    Hey all. Sorry I've been MIA for a while. Been super busy at work. But I come with a treat! I think I found a new picture. I have no idea where this comes from. A friend emailed it to me. Sorry it's a bit grainy but it's cute. Nick with an award!
  4. M

    "The Unusual Suspect" Discussion *Beware SPOILERS*

    Thank goodness for this board. I had the show broken into three times with Tornado Warnings south of my town. Yes, I understand that Tornado warnings are important but there was no severe weather around here and those people should be listening to sirens and not watching CSI. If they are...
  5. M

    Do you Suffer from the CSI Madness?

    I have a sever case of Nick Syndrome but it is under control.
  6. M

    Do you Suffer from the CSI Madness?

    I don't suffer. I enjoy every minute of my madness!
  7. M

    "Dog Eat Dog" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    It was a really good show. I liked it. I like when they get a bit campy rather than so serious all the time. Doc Robbins and the pie! Oh, so funny. Nick and his "Pornstache" needs to go. It's like wierd and a turn off but still semi a turn on. Makes me think he's going for a role of a 70's...