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  1. D

    "Coup de Grace" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    "So who's the bad guy in this?" "You tell me." Okay, I'll tell you: it was that gang-member a**hole with the slug in his butt. If he hadn't shot the kid, Johnson wouldn't have shot him, and Finn wouldn't have shot Johnson. Of course then there wouldn't have been any episode...
  2. D

    CSI: Miami--'Throwing Heat'

    An entertaining episode, and I always enjoy reading the reviews here. So I hate to be a nit-picker, but... Mines (and other explosive devices) aren't "diffused", they're "defused".
  3. D

    you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

    Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 ...when you own all the DVDs with their nice digital transfers and widescreen picture and 5.1 soundtracks... but when you come across a rerun on SpikeTV you wind up watching it (instead of getting the DVD out and watching that version of the same episode).
  4. D

    CSI: Miami--'Felony Flight'

    Just want to note a small correction that should be made to the synopsis: The city (and airport) that Darius was planning to divert to is "Opa-Locka", not "Ocalapa". Opa-Locka is a small city just north of Miami. The name "Opa-Locka" made an impression on me when I first learned of it because...