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  1. faith666

    Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS!!!)

    Re: Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS! Which I'm gutted about. I just hope they avoid all the cliches of the over protective father thing.
  2. faith666

    Danny & The Blue Flu

    Well said! Public services like police, health workers etc. are limited in what they can do to stand up for themselves because of the jobs they do. I'm a student nurse and morally I couldn't strike, no matter how important the issue, but it's such a disadvantage to emergency services. I think...
  3. faith666

    Baby Messer ***possible spoliers***

    Totally agree. I know multiple births happen but I cringe whenever I read a fanfic and it's twins. Especially as it's always two girls or one of each. And I think they would have found out by now if she was having twins. I hope to god it's a boy. I may vomit if it's a girl. I think them having...
  4. faith666

    Grade 'Forbidden Fruit'

    I think it's probably a few weeks/months later given that everyone is past the surprised stage and is already accepting of it. Thanks god. I hate those cheesy moment where a character gathers people together to tell them their news. Usually at the end of the episode. I would have liked...
  5. faith666

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple I know! I'm kind of hoping that we have a scene where Danny tell Flack. I would love to see that. Maybe next episode :confused: One can only hope.
  6. faith666

    Grade 'Enough'

    Danny's not worn glasses before hasn't he? :confused: I'm sure I remember a few episodes where he's not been wearing glasses. Maybe he has contacts? I do prefer him with though. As a glasses wearer it's nice to see a character wear glasses that aren't absolutely absurd. I felt so sorry for...
  7. faith666

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple I meant in terms of time. Sorry, I meant meant to make that clear. They've spent too long hinting at a relationship to just drop it.
  8. faith666

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple TPTB have invested too much into D/L to Lindsey move on with another guy and Danny to revisit his fling with Ricki. I really doubt that they would ever have made Lindsey pregnant if it wasn't for AB being pregnant but other than...
  9. faith666

    Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS!!!)

    Re: Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS! But wouldn't that be boring? I'd like to see that too but it wouldn't make for great tv. You can't be happy in a relationship on tv. But it would have been nice for them to have got over the 'will they, won't they' bit and...
  10. faith666

    Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS!!!)

    Re: Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS! I agree, Melanie33. Spoilers are usually ambiguous to say the least. I can't remember the amount of times I've read a spoiler and then seen the episode and it's not been at all what I was thinking. True. Also, the fact...
  11. faith666

    Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS!!!)

    Re: Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS! I voted yes cos I'm interested to see where they go with it. If it's handled well it should be really interested. It's not something that's done often on a show like NY. I'd love to see how Danny handles being a dad. I...
  12. faith666

    Artists/Bands you think no one's heard of

    I really like Headway. I heard them a couple of weeks ago at a One Republic gig, they were amazing.
  13. faith666

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I love Stuart MacBride! Cold Granite was the first book of his I read and I'm totally hooked on him as an author. I've got 2 other books of his, one of which I've read which was just as fantastic. At the moment I'm reading Wash This Blood Clean from my Hand by Fred Vargas which is pretty...
  14. faith666

    You know you're growing up when...

    OMG, I've been reading the things people have put and I've been like 'yeah, yeah'. They're so true. How depressing. I feel old! Anyway, some of mine. * When you see a group of girls going out for the night and you're like 'aren't they cold?'. * When a group of school kids get on the bus and...
  15. faith666

    Bring Back Louie!

    Definitely bring Louie back! And I think he would have turned a leaf if he was ok. I don't think he would just go back to the way he was before seeing as that lifestyle nearly got him killed. But it would be interesting to see, or hear, about that from Danny. It would be a nice end to that...
  16. faith666

    Why Lindsay Must Stay!

    I happen to like Lindsey. I'm not saying that she's my favourite character, but I like her. I think it's interesting the way people have been having a go for her having bad points, but at the end of the day, not everyone can be professional all the time and her actions are realistic. Sometimes...
  17. faith666


    Haha, very true. Especially #2, #5 and #9. I use them fairly frequently. Particularly #5. Lol, just thinking about it has made me realise that I do that all the time. Hmmmm...
  18. faith666

    Which CSI: Miami character are you? take the quiz!!!!

    I'm Speed! Which is ok I guess. I can kinda see it.
  19. faith666

    CSI:NY bloopers

    I know. What makes them think anybody's actually interested in that stuff? I always hate the commentaries by people who I have no clue who they actually are. I only listen to them if there's someone I like doing them. I suppose at least you get some extras. Usually the UK version DVD's don't...
  20. faith666

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    I really want to see I Am Legend, it looks amazing. Maybe I'll go and see it sometime next week. The last film I saw was another Will Smith film, The Pursuit of Happiness. I wasn't that crazy about seeing it; I bought it as a Christmas present for my mum, and was bored, but I loved it. I...