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  1. H

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    Having trouble viewing "Behind the scenes" video. It keeps coming up as "private" on youtube.
  2. H

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    Actually it's Billy's shirt, not from wardrobe. Take a look at the Pictures on WPAP of the Hancock Park Benefit from last summer. He's wearing the same shirt. :)
  3. H

    If You Could Interview A Star Of LV

    No Hesitation. Billy Petersen. 1. Has your daughter had to reprimand you for trying to slip a toddler-sized baseball glove into your grandson's crib? 2. Have you ever coached baseball? 3. Do you ever have moments when you wish you could go back to the privacy and freedom that you had pre...
  4. H

    How old are most CSI fans?

    38. :) You're not alone.