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  1. T

    Finale Movie -- SPOILERS

    Haven't posted in years but quietly lurked. Watched CSI from the beginning. My favorite is and always will be Greg so I hope he gets a happy ending somewhere in there. My lowest point with the show was when GSR got together as I never was a fan of theirs and cringed at the mere idea of them...
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    "Check In And Check Out" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Delurking to say, I liked this episode. I'm also liking Finn this season. Something I thought was rather realistic was DB's reaction to yet another murder happening, I grow tired of the ever fair minded supervisor on shows like these. In RL of course the supervisor is going to be barking mad...
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    "Under A Cloud" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Sigh, actually it was Sara did far more in mentoring Greg. She had patience with him, far more than Grissom did. There were even interviews where JF asked if Sara could take Greg under her wing.
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    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

    Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories *spoilors for book 6* I think that JKR has led us to believe the possiblity that Harry might die in the final book but I honestly believe (or hope to believe) that the trio remains alive in the end. Now the other characters, they are fair play. There are...
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    The NCIS Thread! *spoilers*

    Re: The NCIS Thread! Hey, I saw this week's episode but I didn't get a chance to see the week before where Tony is arrested. And was Gibbs saying that Chip was the one that framed Tony?
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    Well, the HBO said that "another unlikely character" was going to die in this season finale (other than Ceaser). I was hoping they would pick up the storyline later so Octavian could have "aged" again. However, it's important to show Antony and Octavian partnering up together for a while...
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    Yes but according to history, Atia dies while he is still in his consultship with Marc Antony and Marcus Lepidus (spelling ?). About a year after Caeser died. As for Servilia according to wikipedia, she survives her son's scandalous suicide unscathed.
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    It's funny how the show has made me completely switch alliances. At the beginning I hated Atia and preferred Servilia. Now I much rather see Atia kick Servilia's butt. I'm not sure how the show is going to resolve this. According to Atia's history, Servilia may actually win, but the show...
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    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

    Re: Harry Potter - Book 7 Theories I have always been sorry to see Snape kill Dumbledore. I have heard 3 theories: 1. Snape did fall back in with Voldemort. 2. Snape killed Dumbledore but did so under Dumbledore's orders and to keep Malfoy from doing it. 3. Snape didn't really kill...
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    Anyone seen the episode? The season finale? Huh? Anyone? It was really good. I found it horrific to watch the death scene, they did a good job with what I think would have happened back then. Niobe killed herself to protect, I suppose, her husband's honor. Sad they finally get me to care...
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    It's just a rumor going on, and people are discussing how if Niobe leaves/dies, that will free up Vorenus for a new love interest.
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    LOL; sorry, obviously I'm obsessed with Nardia, that new movie coming out. *whoops* I think it will be Niobe not coming back next season.
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    And then we will have a really long hiatus. :(
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    I have a feeling that Nadia wont be back next season. HISTORICAL SPOILER Also remember that Octavia marries Mark Anthony which will happen before Cleopatra will come back.
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    cold case

    I watched last night's episode, Scotty got information on a suspect who might have been the one to kill his former girlfriend into the river (can't remember her name). He realizes when questioning the guy that it couldn't have possibly been him. I think Scotty throwing the paper in the water...
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    Without A Trace *May Contain Spoilers*

    I like her too Destiny. I honestly have no reason to dislike her, I always try to give new characters a chance on which means at least watching them for several episodes. The only character I hated coming into a show was Benjamin Bratt on Law and Order but that was mainly because I dislike...
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    Oh, we know she was behind the attack on Servillia, and I do think she is a cunning bitch, I just was remarking how she at least shows affection to Octavia where as Servillia would prefer to sacrifice her son to avenge the lover that spurned her.
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    Ok, just watched the episode (finally). I think Pullo is a moron but I will tell you he looked GREAT at the beginning of the episode when he was trying to reenlist in the guards thing. I feel like the whole famoous "Et tu..." to Brutus won't be as meaningful, I just don't buy that Ceasar...
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    The NCIS Thread! *spoilers*

    Re: The NCIS Thread! I loved the episode. However, I couldn't help but think about how I would have killed for this episode running LAST season so it could be Tony and Kate in the hotel room. However, I loved it and it was well done. Even Chip was able to be helpful. Oh, and enough already...
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    Talk Law & Order Here

    Re: Talk Law & Order Here. Did you enjoy the episode Destiny? I did. I was hoping when they brought Noth in there would be episodes where all four worked together. I also enjoyed how the defense dug into the characters backgrounds so we got to see some personal information which is rare...