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  1. PraetorCorvinus

    New Mod

    Hey everyone! As some of you might know, ladyhunter has decided to step down. She breathed a lot of life into this forum and will surely be missed. Hopefully she will still drop by and grace us with her presence. Stepping into those weighted shoes is the lovely Sharp52092. She's a regular...
  2. PraetorCorvinus

    A Question on Fandom

    Greetings. I have a question that I have been longing to ask for awhile. How has being a member of an online fandom changed your viewing of the show? In other words, prior to joining sites like this one, did you watch the show(s) with different expectations? For example: Before joining Talk...
  3. PraetorCorvinus

    Season 8 Discussion

    Season 8. An interesting season that could best be described as being split into two different parts - each with their own overarching storyline. The season itself was shorter than most due to a writer's strike that impacted much of Hollywood. The first part covered the end of the Miniature...
  4. PraetorCorvinus

    Season 7 Discussion

    Time for another season to discuss. Season 7 was an interesting one. For many, it was a departure from the original setup and feel of the first six seasons. Some saw this as negative, others positive. Two of the present more common elements were introduced this season: season-long story arcs...
  5. PraetorCorvinus

    Season 6 Discussion

    Alright. Do to popular demand, I present Season 6! Feel free to discuss anything and everything you liked or didn't like about this season.* Think back to all the events and situations that arose during this season. Here are just a few: -Introduction of Wendy Simms, Jeff McKeen, Hannah and...
  6. PraetorCorvinus

    Season 5 Discussion

    Salutations. Time for another season to discuss about. Season 5 had a lot going on in it. Changes in the lab, new characters, and one hell of a finale. Here are just a few of the major events: -Introduction of Sofia Curtis, Henry Andrews and Mia Dickerson. -The resolution of the Blue Paint...
  7. PraetorCorvinus

    Season 4 Discussion

    Greetings. I enjoy reading the feedback many have left for the discussions of seasons 1, 2 and 3. How about we move on to season 4? This was a season that, for me, doesn't stand out as much. It still had a number of very good episodes though. Which ones did you like? Didn't like? Feel free to...
  8. PraetorCorvinus

    History of Toxicology

    I wasn't sure where to post this information, but I figured the 'Forensic Science' section would be the most appropriate. A book was released over a week ago titled "The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York" by Deborah Blum. It apparently tells...
  9. PraetorCorvinus

    Season 3 Discussion

    Alright, since we're in a lull at the moment with the Olympics going on and people everywhere appear to be snowed in, perhaps now would be a good time to whip out those dusty Season 3 DVDs. This was the season that dealt with Grissom's hearing loss and also introduced the Blue Paint Killer...
  10. PraetorCorvinus

    Season 2 Discussion

    A few months back I started a thread discussing season 1. Well, I think now we should discuss season 2 (given that I remembered the other thread :shifty:). So once again we should remember all the good and bad that came with this season including: -The introduction of two of the most popular...
  11. PraetorCorvinus

    Season One Discussion

    I've recently sat down and watched all of Season One. I noted many interesting events, character quirks, cases and other various things throughout. Since it has been quite awhile since this season was talked about, and probably just as long since some have watched it, I figured this could be a...
  12. PraetorCorvinus

    Gradual Introduction

    I was watching the first two episodes from Season One and I had a thought. Well, I had two thoughts with one being where the hell did everybody go? The pilot showed somewhere around ten CSIs on night shift and dozens of lab techs. Now we have only four and six. Huh :confused:. Anyway, my main...
  13. PraetorCorvinus

    Best Season Openers

    I'm curious to see which of the ten season openers people liked the most. Here's a brief rundown of each one: Season 1: Pilot/Cool Change (not sure if a pilot counts as a season opener) - Introduces the main characters and the concept of forensics. Features the start of the Millander arc and...