Search results

  1. egeria

    The X-Factor 2009 : Who's it gonna be?

    I searched for a thread for this but didn't find one, but mods feel free to move this if I've posted it wrong!! So X-Factor is on again tomorrow night and I have to say the talent already discovered has blown me away! Danyl Johnson...YOWZA!! And Jaime the guy with the he's good...
  2. egeria

    CSI:LV Board Game

    I checked this forum and didn't see any posts on the CSI:LV Board Game so I hope it's ok to start a thread! A friend of mine saw the game in a charity shop and bought it for me, unopened :D Not sure how it made it's way to Ireland but I'm not complaining! :lol: Stokes4Me and I played it this...
  3. egeria

    Music Shuffle Challenge

    I came across this challenge at and thought I'd start a thread for anyone who wants to take it up! It's a good exercise and I really recommend it! As I was chatting about it to other board members we decided we would all do it together. Half an hour later 10 little drabbles were born...
  4. egeria

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #4 - Ch. #43 - It's a Dangerous Job! - Results!

    Welcome to the fourth banner challenge thread, congratulations and looking forward to many more! Previous threads: Thread # 1 Thread # 2 Thread # 3 *************************************** On to the Voting, and a huge thank you to all participants! 1. Please vote for your top 3 banners in...
  5. egeria

    Who would you want to see guest star on LV in what role?

    Me, I'd love to see Paul Dano on CSI: LV. He'd be brilliant as a bad guy, a murder suspect or a serial killer! Anyone else want to share?!