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  1. Shytownmofo


    How do you deal with it? I'v always tons of problems with it since I was little, and I've apperently tried ever single known OTC remedy known to man, as well as many of the prescription controlled substances. I've tried Benadril (The anti-histamine Dyphenhydramine is a common otc sleep aid...
  2. Shytownmofo

    Pop with Cane Sugar/ other carbonated drinks

    I was just wondering, has anyone tried Pop (Soda, Coke, etc) with real cane sugar, not that High Fructose Corn Syrup stuff? I've heard about it, and I've always heard that you can get it imported from Mexico or other countries. I've also heard it's available around Jewish Holidays like Passover...
  3. Shytownmofo

    Song at the beginning of "Like Water For Murder"

    Does anyone know the title/artist of the song at the beginning of the CSI: NY episode "Like Water For Murder?" I think it's just after the title sequence/tease when they're still showing the guest credits. It has a female singer, and the refrain is "Little fish, big fish swimming in the water...