Search results

  1. CSI_Kat

    Summer Fan Art Gift Exchange 2010

    Since the challenges are on hiatus we figured you all may want something else to do... We've done a few of these before, and they've always been a lot of fun, and a big success, so we're bringing you another one :D What is a fanart gift exchange? Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like! All...
  2. CSI_Kat

    Challenge #14: Welcome to CSI New York - Results!

    Here it is the last one! Challenge #14: Welcome to CSI New York Specific Rules: - Animation is allowed - No size requirement BUT....just not to big so that it causes issues for dial up users. - Use your imagination! General Rules [1] Entries will be due Monday, January 18th. [2] Anyone and...
  3. CSI_Kat

    Need a new challenge runner

    Do to real life issues we need a new challenge runner for the 1x1 challenge. Please let me know if you are interested! Thanks! Kat
  4. CSI_Kat

    Misc Holiday Fan Art Gift Exchange

    As some of you know we we have done these in the past and they are a blast. There will also be a this year and it was a blast. There will also be a CSI holiday fan art gift exchange as well. What is a fanart gift exchange? (borrowed from Dragonfly) Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like...
  5. CSI_Kat

    Challenge #12: Welcome to General TV & Media - Results!

    Challenge #12: Welcome to General TV & Media Specific Rules: - Animation is allowed - Size should be around 220x75. It doesn't have to be exactly this size...just not to big so that it causes issues for dial up users. -Have it be playful and comfortable (ie homey). -Kind of colorful (Not...
  6. CSI_Kat

    Challenge #10 - Welcome to CSI Music - Results!

    Challenge #10: Welcome to CSI Music Specific Rules: - Animation is allowed - Characters are allowed - Size should be 430x150 - Use your imagination! General Rules [1] Entries will be due Friday, October 23rd. [2] Anyone and Everyone is welcome to enter! You may enter only one banner. [3]...
  7. CSI_Kat

    Challenge #8: Welcome to Shipper Central - Winners!

    Challenge #8: Welcome to Shipper Central! Specific Rules - Animation will be allowed for this challenge - size will be no bigger then 400x400 - Content should use romantic settings/locations in either Miami, Vegas or NY. - content is NOT to include characters - Remember, the Mod of the...
  8. CSI_Kat

    Challenge #6: Welcome to Miscellaneous! - Results!

    Challenge #6: Welcome to Miscellaneous! Specific Rules - Animation will be allowed for this challenge - size will be 220x75 - Content should follow board rules - content should NOT be CSI related - Remember, the Mod of the forum has veto power General Rules [1] Entries will be due...
  9. CSI_Kat

    Challenge #4: Welcome to the Members Lounge! - Results!

    Challenge #4: Welcome to the Members Lounge! For this challenge, we're looking for a banner to place in the welcome thread of the Members Lounge. Specific Rules - All banners should be 400 wide x 300 high in size. - The goal here is to show the CSI's relaxing General Rules [1] Entries will...
  10. CSI_Kat

    Challenge runner needed

    We are looking for a challenge runner for the animation challenge. If possible - someone who doesn't already run a challenge or who wishes to change out their current challenge. Please PM me or Dragonfly if interested. Recommendations are also welcome. Thanks!
  11. CSI_Kat

    Summer Fan Art Challenge #2 - Welcome to Fan Fiction ~ Results!

    Summer fan art thread #1 is here. Challenge #2: Welcome to Fan Fiction For our second challenge, we're looking for a welcome banner to place in the first post of the 'Welcome to FANFICTIONLAND' thread Specific Rules -Theme: Words on Paper - NO characters or ships on the banner at all...
  12. CSI_Kat

    CSI Fan Art Critique

    There is an awesome thread in the members lounge for this and there seemed to be some interest in doing it over here in the CSI area. Please follow these guidelines: Post (no more than 3) icons, banners or thumbnail link wallpapers images. If you want to post more - please post them as links...
  13. CSI_Kat

    Misc Summer Fan Art Gift Exchange

    As some of you know we did a holiday related fan art gift exchange and everyone seemed to enjoy it. So we are going to do another one here and also a CSI one in the fan art thread. What is a fanart gift exchange? (borrowed from DragonflyDreamer) Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like! All...
  14. CSI_Kat

    Summer Fan Art Gift Exchange

    We did a fan art gift exhange for the holidays and everyone seemed to love it! What is a fanart gift exchange? (borrowed from DragonflyDreamer) Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like! All participants will both make and receive a fanart gift. For those of you familiar with a ‘Secret Santa’...
  15. CSI_Kat

    CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    I noticed that the last thread was close to 1000, so I thought I'd go ahead and start this one up. A few things to keep in mind - Stolen from Vera, who stole it from Cofi: [x] Do not post more than three icons at the same time. Some use dial up and when you post lots of images it's going to...
  16. CSI_Kat

    CSI: New York Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Hey all! Welcome to thread #5. Previous thread here. Please check out the following links for general rules in this forum: Proper Posting Fan Art Forum Guide Additional reminders: [x] Do not post more than three icons at the same time. Some use dial up and when you post lots of images it's...
  17. CSI_Kat

    Challenge Runners and challenges - Please read, comment and vote!

    There has been some questions flying around about if challenge runners should be able to enter the challenges they run. So we will take a poll and your comments, ideas and suggestions into consideration. As a challenge runner - have I ever entered the challenges I have run? When I ran the...
  18. CSI_Kat

    CSI Icons #6: Showcase, Links and Requests

    Just a reminder, you don't have to be a mod to start a new thread. If you notice that one is full, feel free to start the new one ;) Thread Rules (snagged from cofi): [x] Do not post more than three icons at the same time. Some use dial up and when you post lots of images it's going to take a...
  19. CSI_Kat

    1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #35 - Results

    Alright, we've already achieved the third 1vs1 Challenge Thread! Congrats! Here's the previous thread --> 1x1 challenge thread #2 I copied most of the rules from Vera's entry post in the 2nd thread. 1. If you challenge someone, make sure you are close to the same level as them. Don’t challenge...
  20. CSI_Kat

    Misc Holiday Fan Art Gift Exchange

    As some of you know we did a CSI related fan art gift exchange earlier this year and it was a blast. We are also running a CSI holiday fan art gift exchange as well. So I asked if I could also do a non csi one in here. What is a fanart gift exchange? (borrowed from DragonflyDreamer) Well...