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  1. mj0621

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Welcome to thread 10 of Mac/Stella! (^_^) Our beloved SMacked... "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss" because we all know they should... again :lol: Last thread: [linky thread # 9] A 'lil pressie for the thread and fans :D two more cute pics!:
  2. mj0621

    Stella, Peyton and Mac: SPaMming the shippy sea.

    :rolleyes: I just HAVE to make a shippy folder about them. :p Whether you're a SMacked or Meyton, this is a folder where we can ship both or just make Stella and Peyton share :lol: Don't ask where I stand. ;) I think Mac wouldn't mind :devil: who would refuse two gorgeous females eh? :lol: I...
  3. mj0621

    A Right Mistake (SMacked, M&Ms/DL and bits of FlackOC) It's not new but it's one of my favorite fics... It's WiP (this is up to 20 chaps) and it's on chap 4 now(plus prologue so 5)... please review! Summary: Two CSIs unconsiously made a mistake...and the gang made them realise its not a mistake after...
  4. mj0621

    Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away! wuhoo! I HAVE to at least post here for a party... new foldie and featured ship... way to make my week filled with joy (pun intended). :D are there going to be G/C moments in the next eppies?
  5. mj0621

    Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

    first of all, *squees all over the room* wahh!!! ok, i admit i was expecting for Peyton in this eppie.. -_-; oh well, at least i got one wish.. (:devil: I was expecting her to notice Mac and Stell's closeness grow deep ;) ) :lol: is this THE one that'll make Peyton leave? will she leave or...