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  1. D

    What's on your Ipod?

    Since I thought this would be an enteresting idea for an off topic post. What does everyone have on thier Ipod? *this includes music, videos, tv shows, podcast*. Since I started it, I should answer first. I have over 150 songs on my Ipod. Mostly they are from the 90's but I still love the...
  2. D

    People's Choice

    OMG! Last night I couldn't believe Gray's Annatimy won the people's choice. Personaly I think it belonged to CSI, but all of the CSI fans think this way. All Gray's shows when I watch is the characters getting ready to 'get it on.' I don't know about you but that's not drama that's good sex that...
  3. D

    Conquences: The Trial

    Who: CSI’s listed below. Where: Bronx, New York When: June 5-30 What: The trial of Mr. Eric Delko. Why: This is this is to bring closer to the CSI's and detective's that were at the conference. CSI’s and Detectives to testify: CSI Catherine Willows Dardeile CSI Warrick Brown DetectiveCurtis...
  4. D

    Gone Missing at a Convention: RPG

    Who: CSI’s listed below. Where: Atlanta, Georgia When: December 15-25 What: A conference with a twist. Why: The CSI’s along with there Detectives are invited to a conference. Only this isn’t a conference they have never seen before. People are going missing every hour. Will the CSI’s or the...
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    Murder at the Convention: ALL CSI:'s (An RP) **UPDATED**

    This one is for all three CSI’s, and plot is the CSI's are at a convention. While they are there, a murder occurs. All of the CSI's want to work the scene but can't because they are all suspects. Who was murdered, who died and who’s had the motive to do the crime? Come join the fun to find out...
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    Lucky to be alive: NY CSI Story

    Detective Donald Flack was lucky to be alive. He rubbed his head but he couldn't remember what happened to him.
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    Never Forget Your Keys. (ALL CSI)

    This is my second story. This one is an idea I've had for a while and I hope everyone will enjoy it. BTW, everyone will notice Ashley Brown later on as she is my made up character that I have been playing now for 5 years. I hope everyone comes into this story and has fun. It was a shift that...
  8. D

    Capture the Flag, CSI style

    This is my fisrt RP here so give me a break. I know what I'm doing. I've had this idea for a while, so I hope people come a join. It was the end of yet another shift in Las Vegas, for the night shift. Captain Jim Brass walked into his office and noticed that he had a message. Not paying...