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  1. catwarfan

    Undeniable has been taken down

    It is with a heavy heart that I report that I have had to take down my Catherine and Warrick website Undeniable that was originally found on Freewebs. Due to incompetent tech support and repeated hacking, it's too much to deal with. I still love and believe in Catherine and Warrick. I also...
  2. catwarfan

    Crossover : Horatio and Stella

    Hey All, I didn't see a post for these two so I must venture in. After watching the cross over between CSI Miami and CSI New York. I couldn't help but notice the chemistry between Stella and Horatio. My friend made sure to mention also that Horatio made sure to say goodbye to Stella. I think...
  3. catwarfan

    ~Yobling Songs ~

    Hey All, I just noticed that there are song threads for Sandle, H/Y, Snickers and Catherine and Grissom but I don't see any Yobling thread. I think that needs to be changed. I've noticed in our ship thread there are a lot of songs why don't we post them here instead. What songs remind you of...