Search results

  1. L

    Things You Noticed on an S3 Rewatch

    So, Roomie let me open S3 instead of torturing me with the delicious prospect of Flack until my birthday. The cases still reek like my undergarments during the onslaught of The Bloat, but the extra on Disc 1 was better than I expected and featured some lovely self-deprecating humor from Eddie...
  2. L

    Things You Don't Want to See in S4

    I was going to post this in the spoiler thread, but it wasn't entirely appropriate for it, so I made another thread. The squee and speculation over the hidden meanings behind the S4 promo pic got me thinking: what don't you want to see? What storyline would send you running for the exit, barf...
  3. L

    The "If I Were in Charge of CSI:NY" Thread

    I freely admit that I do a heap of complaining about CSI:NY, but I've also come up with ideas on how seasons *should* have gone. Here are my master plans for the NY that could've been: If I Were in Charge of CSI:NY: 1. We would have seen evidence of Flack's trauma. If I had my druthers we'd...
  4. L

    A General Mac Ethics Question(Or any CSI, Really)

    After my ill-tempered diatribe on Flack last night, I got to thinking: Every once in a while on the forensic dramas, some suspect yahoo will piss and moan about having to live without an item while it is processed-Blackberry, PDA, cellphone. Usually, the CSIs snarkily tell them where to cram...
  5. L

    CSI:NY Holiday Fic Exchange

    Hello! I've started a CSI:NY Holiday Fic exhange on LJ and wanted to pimp it here. The community can be found at The CSI:NY Holiday Fic Exchange. Please read the rules carefully before signing up. Sign ups will be open until October 25th.