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  1. Trevor

    Music Video Songs

    Hey guys, I've been making CSI music videos as you probably have heard or noticed. I put them on YouTube (under the username LoneGunmen2). Anyways, I'm suffering music-video-making-block(a hyphenate if I ever saw one). So I'm taking recommendations from you guys. List the name of the song you'd...
  2. Trevor

    CSI: Miami - Speedle's Return (Season 1)

    A/N: This is a new series that is a continuation of the story presented in CSI: Miami - Race Against Time. The timeframe is between seasons 3 and 4. Disclaimer: I own nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------ Episode 1 - Why We Fight SPEEDLE (VO) The...
  3. Trevor

    CSI: Miami - Race Against Time

    Disclaimer: I own nothing. A/N: The following events take place in the time between CSI: Miami seasons 3 and 4. And, yes, the fact that somebody gets kidnapped in this means that CSI: Miami - Against the Clock is dead. ------------------------------------------------------------ FADE IN...
  4. Trevor

    CSI: Miami - Against the Clock (Cross-Overs with LV and NY)

    I present to you my idea for a CSI: Miami movie which will cross over with CSI: NY and CSI: LV (in that order). Basically Delko gets kidnapped by this psychopath and the rest of the Miami CSIs are left to find him. This is written in script format and occurs in between the second season episodes...
  5. Trevor

    CSI Central Podcast

    I thought I'd like to alert you guys to my very first podcast the CSI Central Podcast Series. I'm currently working on it as a weekend podcast until summer which is when I'll be able to put out more podcasts. Anyways here's the URL:
  6. Trevor

    Calleigh and Speed's Journals

    Title: Calleigh and Speed's Journals (A Talleigh Tale) Spoilers: None! Unless you consider references to the show as spoilers. Rated: PG-13 (Just to be safe) Disclaimer: I own nothing, but grass blade 1013 outside of the MDPD lab. ------------------------------------------------------------...
  7. Trevor

    Around the Lab - A CSI: Miami RP

    Well, my last RP went pretty well so I'm going to make a new CSI: Miami RP. Everybody's up for grabs. Lt. Horatio Caine - Yelina Salas - Tim Speedle - Calleigh Duquesne - toomuchovertime Eric Delko - Maxine Valera - Dan Cooper - Frank Tripp - You can...
  8. Trevor

    CSI: Miami Desktop Buddies

    Disclaimer: I own nothing. A/N: I needed someone to click the mouse so it's Bryce from the Tomb Raider movie series. Also, I got the idea from the Lara Croft desktop buddy (who I have running around on my screen as I type) from the Tomb Raider: Legend site. -------------------------------...
  9. Trevor

    Add a Line - Miami Edition

    I'd like to take up the spot for the Miami add a line. Let's begin. After his shift was over, Caine walked into the breakroom to see...
  10. Trevor

    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bloopers

    This is a spin-off of speed_cochrane's CSI: Miami Blooper thread. You can write some of your own as well if you want. Down The Drain Where Catherine Rescued Lindsey Marg: *falls towards Gary* Gary: *misses and drops her* [BLEEP] Marg: GARY I BROKE A NAIL BECAUSE OF THAT YOU B... Director...