Search results

  1. E

    Grade 'Down the Rabbit Hole'

    MacsGirl, lack of sound card wouldn't be too bad (you would have to use text instead of voice and the CSI stuff has text avalible if you can't hear the sound clips, but the 10 year old computer kills your chances. In terms of computer age, you need someting newer than 4-5 years at the very...
  2. E

    Grade 'Down the Rabbit Hole'

    The SL veteran weigs in: Criticisims: The working mechanisims of SL in the show were higly science fictionalized...the real SL has a Search menu for finding people and places, for instance, and calling cards are just names on your contact list. However given the fact that they do that sort of...
  3. E

    CSI: NY "Eyecons"

    Re: CSI: NY "Eyecons" (CSI in Second Life) For anyone looking to get a bit of a head start or if you missed the episode, the webpage and the Second Life areas went live this morning and trickled out through the SL grapevine. Here it is: Good...
  4. E

    Grade 'Down the Rabbit Hole'

    I'm confuzzled. The episode doesn't even air on the east coast for another 45 minutes. Has it allready aired in, say, Britian or something?
  5. E

    CSI: NY "Eyecons"

    Re: CSI: NY "Eyecons" (CSI in Second Life) Oh, and the moving mouth on Zuiker's avatar in the video? That would have been added in post. Also, I haven't seen anyone link to this youtube video from this site but CBS posted it a few days back: . Searching...
  6. E

    CSI: NY "Eyecons"

    Re: CSI: NY "Eyecons" (CSI in Second Life) That's a bit of a trick question. Simple answer: they are using real SL footage and the graphics do accurately represent what SL is capable of. The caveat is that what you see is the result of experienced creators with mad art skills and if you...
  7. E

    CSI: NY "Eyecons"

    Re: CSI: NY "Eyecons" (CSI in Second Life) Hi, I'm only an occasional visitor to this site, but I'm a three year Second Life veteran. I'm more a fan of the origianal CSI cast but I've gotten hopelessly excited about the CSI:NY event this week. Here's what I know so far from following both...