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  1. T

    Grade Season Five

    I'm going with a C-. I don't care for the D/L pairing nor the story arc this season. I started watching the show regularly maybe early in the 4th season. (It was reruns on Spike..) Anyway, it took me a long time to realize there WAS a relationship between D/L! And then, I was surprised to see...
  2. T

    Should Flack Be Disciplined; Will He

    I agree. I voted should/won't. Flack shouldn't have been there in the first place. (But we know this would not make good TV...) But when he took aim at the gunman, I was surprised to hear myself say, "DO IT, Flack. For once in your life, follow your heart and not your head." I think it will...
  3. T

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Hello all! I am new to the boards, but not the CSI franchise. I must admit to being a casual watcher of CSI:NY until I saw the "LT. Dan Band" play at an Army post in Germany while we were stationed there. It sparked my interest in the show and then I saw Flack...:thumbsup: Looking forward to...
  4. T

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    You watch too much CSI:NY if: When you wrap packages, you worry about all the DNA and fingerprints you are leaving in the sticky packing tape.... You notice that Don Flack is listed as the occupant next to your MIL'r room at the nursing home...(Seriously!) Tobin