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  1. S

    Episode #501 'Rio' ***RE-AIRING DEC 4, 2006***

    Re: Episode #501 'Rio' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** 1) Why why why did they have to make Snake Woman a CSI? She's in the opening credits now so I guess she's not going anywhere. They better give me more Ryan and Calleigh scenes if they want me to continue watching this show after this! 2) HC...
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    CSI: Miami Season 5 Wishlist

    1. Ryan/Calleigh romance! 2. No Snake Woman 3. More Valera scenes 4. Horatio doing somethign wrong for once 5. More humour 5. More team cohesiveness
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    Dislike An LV Character?

    Re: Dislike A Character Actually I love them all. Yes. Even Ecklie or the Sheriff guy. I only dislike the random hookers that hit on Nick. :)
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    *All New* Miami Caption Mania!

    And the truth finally hits the Hardy Boys...Horatio *is* the other white meat.
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    *All New* Miami Caption Mania!

    Horatio: Ok, we find the grave, dig up the body and prove that it was not Speedle but his druggie twin who died. Calleigh: But Horatio, no one is going to believe a twin storyline. That's just not believable. Eric: Since when has this show been worried about realism? Ryan: He has a point.
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    *All New* Miami Caption Mania!

    Valera: Horatio processed a scene?!!!
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    *All New* Miami Caption Mania!

    Eric: Look, I'm sorry no one told you that today's colour of the day is white! Calleigh: Hmph! You and Ryan never tell me anything!