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  1. K

    CSI Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests.

    thank you very much cinegirl :) :) kaylyne - really great icons! I love them!
  2. K

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

    I just love this one: so pretty
  3. K

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    wow! amazing works everyone! here are some of mine: a picture of us spending the morning in bed leaning on to you pregnant on Santa's lap the Grinkly and the geeks Santa Griss and his helpers... Santa Griss and his helpers #2
  4. K

    The Wallpaper Thread #4

    I really love all your wallpapers!! I wish i could manage to post mine, but it won't let me :( they're up on my homepage though: here
  5. K

    Least fav character and episode

    my least fav is Greg, closely followed by Nick and Catherine my least favorite episode is Weeping Willows, very very very closely followed by Pirates Of The Third Reich
  6. K

    What is your favorite CSI character?

    wow, so happy that my favorite character is leading in both categories :D Sara rocks! she has such an amazing personality and she kicks as while she is such a vulnerable person at the same time.
  7. K

    Favorite CSI Actors

    my favorite actress on CSI is Jorja Fox, she's my favorite actress in general and the reason why I started to watch CSI she's simply an amazing actress *wub*
  8. K

    Favorite scenes?

    I have 4 favorite scenes... 1st one is the "pin me down" scene from Invisible Evidence 2nd is the "since I met you" scene from primun non nocere 3rd is the scene with the lab techs in the morgue from Werewolves 4th is the one from 7x10, the interrogation where the suspect tells about how he got...
  9. K

    Best CSI episode ever..

    my favorite episode so far was "Way to Go"... I also loved "Butterflied" and "Time of Your Death" but I simply love "Way to Go" the most because that was when the GSR became canon :)
  10. K

    Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

    Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers** yay thanks for the pictures! they are great! :D
  11. K

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

    A friend of mine said exactly the same! and I was so mad at her :mad: I love the picture of Jorja and Billy from the TV guide She looks so incredibly pretty on this picture, completely stealing Billy's show ;) and this shirt is so amazing, makes her look even hotter than she already is! *wub*
  12. K

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

    she looks so much like Christa Miller in the pics with the purple dress ;) I just love her hair in those ETA: oh and the manip, the pic used for her face is from the picture where she's wearing that yellow shirt and has her arms stretched up over her heard :) love that pic *gg* (sorry no idea...
  13. K

    CSI Las Vegas Sites

    Burning Love GSR - my GSR homepage :) check it out if you like to :)
  14. K

    CSI Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests.

    I made some icons :) they can be found at my homepage here (why do everyone elese's pics load and mine not? :( :( :( )
  15. K

    Welcome to the Fan Fiction/Art Forum!

    these three are my newest fanfics... a night to remember (rated pg 13) without you (rated pg 13) in your arms (rated pg 13)