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  1. F

    Maxine Valera #1 - Blonde Is The New Porn

    Hey guys I think I just saw Ms. Valera in a Brother Printers Commercial. Can anyone confirm this, or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
  2. F

    Episode #604: 'Bang Bang, Your Debt' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Re: Episode #604: 'Bang Bang, Your Debt' ***CONTAINS SPOILER OK Its official. I Actually cried during an Episode of CSI. I never realized how much I missed Speed till I saw this.
  3. F

    Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

    definalty Sara. I don't know why but i just don't have the attachment to her as I do with the other cast members.
  4. F

    What's your favourite CSI theme song?

    won't get fooled again definately. 8 minutes of Who goodness .
  5. F

    Horatio/DC # 13: Missing: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

    Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP! OK I think I misphrased my question. I dont mean why doenst he go around picking fights with people. I meant When he does get into scuffles. I.E. with the guy who dislocated his own shoulder to try and sue the department and the guy...
  6. F

    Why doesnt H ever actually fight anyone?

    Has anyone else noticed that everytime Horatio has a chance to actually fight someone hand to hand, it either ends really quick, or doesnt happen? Is it just me or does anyone else wanna see Horatio get into a knock down drag out fight with a suspect and put some of that bottled up rage to good use?
  7. F

    Should Jake Be Permanent?

    No and i want him as far away from Calleigh as possible. If I can't have her at least let Eric have her. Screw this new guy. I'd whoop his ass if I were Delko.
  8. F

    Maxine Valera #1 - Blonde Is The New Porn

    Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!! Hey ya gotta have the redshirts, Ya can't kill off main characters everyweek. and yeah Valera is such a cutie, when she got dragged off by the FBI I was PISSED!!! I was gonna hunt down the mole my self, then I find out its Boa Vista and I...
  9. F

    Crossover Team

    I had to go with H and Calleigh cause they compliment each toehr very well, Danny and Hawkes cause ya ned the guys with a attitudes, and the infamous Betting Duo of Warrick and Nick.