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  1. G

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    John Mayer // I’m Gonna Find Another You John Mayer // Waiting On The World To Change John Mayer // I Don’t Trust Myself (With Loving You) John Mayer // Belief John Mayer // Gravity John Mayer // The Heart Of Life John Mayer // Vultures John Mayer // Stop This Train John Mayer // Slow Dancing...
  2. G

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    Hall of Fame: 1/10, hah, I only knew the one about Joe Jackson.
  3. G

    Big Brother 8 USA "NO SPOILERS"

    I don't think Dick will go this week now. I think it will be Dustin. I for sure America will tell Eric to vote for Dustin. So that makes 1 vote for Dustin, then you have Dannielle, Jen, and i'm sure that Zach would vote for Dustin as well make 4 votes for him and Amber and Jameka would be the...
  4. G

    Photography Competition: CSI - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: CSI #2 #9 #4
  5. G


    Yeah, I chose Julian as well, I loved him in Charmed, and I would love to see him as a CSI.
  6. G

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    Three Days Grace // Pain Three Days Grace // Animal I Have Become Three Days Grace // Never Too Late Three Days Grace // On My Own Three Days Grace // Riot Three Days Grace // Get Out Alive Three Days Grace // Let It Die Three Days Grace // Over and Over Three Days Grace // Time of Dying...
  7. G

    Who would you want to process you if you were murdered?

    Umm, If I was dead I would want Alexx to process me, but knowing I love Ryan he would have to help Alexx,
  8. G

    Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

    Can't wait for pics of the new season. I as for a new thread name, I had to vote for... Ryan, Where Have You Gone?
  9. G

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    Cities Big and Small: 6/10
  10. G

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    Top Video Games of 1980-1984: 5/10 Watch Your Language: 4/8
  11. G

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    The Number 23 Wow, I loved this movie. I was a bit confused till the end, I understood some of the things did it hit me. I keep looking for everything that added up to 23. This is one of the best movies that I've seen in a long time, IMO. Plus, I loved seeing a different side of Jim Carey...
  12. G

    Big Brother 8 USA "NO SPOILERS"

    The bunny suits were funny. I'm kinda mad that Eric didn't go, but I'm also glad he stay and Kail went, because she doesn't need to ne there anyway/ I hope that Jess don't put up Evel or Dannielle this week, but oh well, we'll see what happens,
  13. G

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    Well when I was in highschool, I love "The Catcher In The Rye" By J.D. Salinger, So I went and bought it today, so that's what I'm reading, I love this book, and for anybody who hasn't read it, you should, it's awesome.
  14. G

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    Spy Secrets: 6/10 Lucky Guesses, except on a couple of them.
  15. G

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    John Mayer // Slow Dancing In A Burning Room John Mayer // Daughters Foreigner // Jukebox Hero Guns N’ Roses // Don’t Cry ZZ Top // Tush Lynyrd Skynyrd // Tuesday’s Gone Aerosmith // Sweet Emotion Alice Cooper // I’m Eighteen Pink Floyd // Comfortably Numb Led Zeppelin // All My Love
  16. G

    Sleep with, Marry, Date , or be friends with

    Sleep With: Eric (Because H is too old. I never watch the show when Speed was on, and Ryan, heehee, and who wouldn't want to sleep with him.) Marry: Ryan (Heehee, I could sleep with him everynight, and have him everyday, heehee) Date: Speed (Once again, H is too old, and I've read that he...
  17. G

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    Basic World History: 4/10. I really should have paid attetion in history, I would have got a better score.
  18. G

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    The Hills Have Eyes 2 Wow this movie was much better then the first one, at least I think so, It was much more gory, and some of the parts i knew were going to happen made me jump, If you want to watch a good gory movie, watch this, I would give it a 8.5/10
  19. G

    CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut Hhhaha. Skylar that was the single gretest thing i've read on the spoilers, man i would die from laugter if that happened. hah.
  20. G

    Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

    Yeah, it's like Ryan is finaly getting a "big" storyline or whatever, but it's NOT the kind of story that will want him to have, we want it to be something good, not what's the spolirs are saying,