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  1. CSIAnnStokes

    Signature Banners # 5 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Would someone be so kind and make me a Nick banner? Totally not important what pics, but please with the Buzz. I leave the rest up to you and your fantasy ;) Take the time you need. Thanks in advance
  2. CSIAnnStokes

    CSI: Hangman #10

    I'll have a H please
  3. CSIAnnStokes

    Which CSI Character are you?

    Whoohoo! I'm Nicky! Nick You see things in black and white, and always do what is just. You are always a gentlemen/women, and use your charms to your advantage. You are a very good negotiator because of your honesty and lovability. You are usually pretty competitive, and always want to come out...
  4. CSIAnnStokes

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Yeah, but I hope I can keep my place as only (reported) Swiss person in this forum. I think there are so little Swiss peepz, because the can only speak such a crappy school english ;)
  5. CSIAnnStokes

    How old are all CSI fans?

    I'm one of the *actually too young* peepz, I'm 14 now, turn 15 in August.
  6. CSIAnnStokes

    How many non-US peeps here?

    It's funny to see from where actually all the CSI:NY fans come, because the most think the majority of the fans live in the US. But how you can see that is wrong.
  7. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

    Congrats Stokesgirl! I hope you choose one of the delicious themes ;)
  8. CSIAnnStokes

    How many non-US peeps here?

    welcome tineyhasbi! I hope you have fun here in the forum :) Yay, I'm still the only Swiss person here :D
  9. CSIAnnStokes

    CSI Bumpersnickers

    "Honk once if you like Nick Stokes, honk twice if you are Nick Stokes"
  10. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

    I think "A Bullet Runs Through It" were the first two episodes I really watched and then I somehow didn't see how gorgeous he is and didn't like the 'stache, but that was long ago ;)
  11. CSIAnnStokes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    Maybe he copied you ;) The ones he got now are great, they fit him very well.
  12. CSIAnnStokes

    Would you go to a CSI convention??

    I would definately go, I mean that's gotta be fun! I was so dissapointed that I couldn't go to the CSI exhibition in Chicago.
  13. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

    I know, I love the 'stache too, but others (my mom for example) maybe don't like it. *rrr* that pics just....:devil:
  14. CSIAnnStokes

    Hottest Men And Women - Poll

    I voted for... Las Vegas: Nick Catherine Miami: Eric and Ryan Calleigh New York: Flack and Danny Stella
  15. CSIAnnStokes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    That are the same glasses in both pics and because the frame is metallized and reflects the light, they look different. (I hope that wasn't too confusing ;) ) Great pics sim1025 :D He just looks gorgeous!
  16. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

    I think we can consider the 'stache as a weapon too ;) Great pics everyone and belated Congrats on winning bookgirl :D
  17. CSIAnnStokes

    Yelina Salas #2: 'Get Back To Where You Once Belonged'

    Yesterday, my mom told me, Sofia is from Zurich and I laughed so hard, really, because we live in Zurich and I can't imagine that Yelina grew up here :D Thanks for the interview, it's very interesting :)
  18. CSIAnnStokes

    The Miami Stars Birthday Thread

    I wish you a Happy Birthday David and many years of sanity with all those insane fans here ;) (I think I rather run now, before all those fans come and chase me *aaaaah*)
  19. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    Catherine to Grissom?
  20. CSIAnnStokes

    How old are most CSI fans?

    I'm 14 and I watch it since like...erm...maybe 1 year or so.