Re: Catherine and Keppler
It would be great if someone would write a Cat/Keppler M rated fanfic, now that would be fun, the shower scene.
*pours cold shower over herself*
Even though I hate what Frankie did to Stella, I got to tell you something, He is hot, my god that man is gorgeous. I have a picture of him in my folder.
HI, Im new to Shipper Central cause Im always posting in CSI NY, Anyways I hope Stella doesnt have HIV and I would so want if Mac would hug her or something.
*kills Peyton so Stella can have Mac*
I love Smacked.
OMG, It would be so cool if they could do an episode in Greece or something.
Next week both rocks and sucks.
Sucks cause all CSI have there last episode of the season, Rocks cause we will find out what happened with Stella.