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  1. R

    Celebrity News

    $2 million? Who has that much jewlery? :confused:
  2. R

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:LV When ...

    You know you watch too much CSI when you say something intriguing and expect the credits to roll
  3. R

    Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

    Huzzah for Timmies. I'm suprised we even have a Timmies here in this small town when they don't have a single one in the city an hour and a half way:lol::cool:
  4. R

    How Much is Gas Where you Live?

    I think it's $0.62 here, not entirely sure, at the gas bar north of town. That's usually where we get our gas
  5. R

    Favorite Quotes

    I love this one Bloodlines (About the little girl) Grissom: "So what are you doing about it now?" Sara: "Going back to the girl...I left her in the car" (Catherine and Grissom look mortified) Sara: "The windows are cracked...give me a little credit, she's at the hospital" (Nick and Warrick laugh)
  6. R

    The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style!

    :guffaw:Good job :thumbsup:
  7. R

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #6: A Beautiful Soul

    I love her smile, she's so beautiful ^_^
  8. R

    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Lol, I love these:guffaw:
  9. R


    Hello, Ruthie here. I'm from Canada. I like the 'original CSI' the most, but I watch Miami and NY from time to time. Nice to be here ^_^