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  1. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    I wonder how did Mac and stella's dinner date ended i would love for them to put extended stuff on the DVD's I love all of GFD, and their fight scene was so powerful... but everything from Mac going to get Stella back, the hug and of course of course cant forget the end *wonder what happened...
  2. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    okay happy for some on-topic things... I'm going to be getting season 1 very soon but for now here are my favorite episodes from what i watched SEASON 1: Officer Blue (fight make-up) Recycling (their dog show date) and that one eppy where she kissed his cheek and Hush (when mac almost got...
  3. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella We need a NEW NAME! (and writers too!) DEBS!!!!!!!!!!!! glad to see you in the SMacked thread again it wouldnt be the same without you... anyways i voted for the first choice becuz LOVE is not a one night stand... and Stella wouldnt do that to Mac... the only good thing...
  4. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    how about 'because they will SMack Adella' because they have a flame in their friendship or because they had GFD those are just more thoughts you can phrase them better if like
  5. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    NOW that TITLE i can get used to and I like it A LOT!! :D OMG!!!! that title made me ROFL seriously but it is so true... look what this Adam/Stella thing is doing to us :P
  6. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    yeah all this crap with Stella and Adam makes me very uninspired with new thread titles the only one i can think of is: Mac <# Stella #18: No Dork Can Ruin What They Have
  7. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    first of i can only imagine what Mac would do if he found out... and a question about the last SMacked scene in the episode... what do you think happened afterwards... will she spill the secret or what im anxious to know... i think i just got a fan-fic idea going on... i always wonder what...
  8. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    I KNOW totally i saw Melina's interview with Regis and Kelly and now I am SUPER axnious about how Mac and Stellas relationship with be after this point here,s the link and the scene is at the very end i wonder if Mac will even figure out what...
  9. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    i just read something grand but now i regret hearing it so early: AWESOMENESS!!!! i cant wait until the permiere i definately wont be disappointed i knew Adam/Stella wouldnt be a BIG thing HOORAY FOR SMACKED!!!!!!!!!!
  10. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    HOORAY its almost 24 hours until the SEASON PERMIERE... im afraid to come on here the morning after the episode has played and see all the comments im gonna watch episode go to bed, hopefully have good dreams, wake up around 5:30 come on here at six and see three pages about the episode and...
  11. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    OMG you took those words right out of my mouth i was in the shower a few minutes ago and thought the same thing, my brain works alot in the shower... but SOOOO TRUE why would they sneak a peek of Mac and Stella if it wasnt very important and Melina would of never thought Mac and Stella getting...
  12. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    okay if she wrote it that CHANGES everything, PAM isn't a SMacked hater, so maybe it will be Mac and Stella, who knows... all i know is what ever happens i will still watch the show... i would rant more but i dont want to... and oh yeah today in class i wuz texting my friend and was rambling...
  13. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    see I'm torn in half right now, part of me feels likes it's going to be Mac and Stella but the other half of me is saying Adam and Stella... but i have to agree with you on that they didnt think Mac and Stella's relationship anytime soon so that would be a huge shocker for me too, and its...
  14. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    that's actually... a good thought you had there and that scene from My Name Is Mac Taylor and Stella being the only Stella Bonasera I totally saw something there and i definately saw something interesting at the end of the Party's Over, but then we had GFD!! :D WEDNESDAY REALLY REALLY...
  15. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    ARE ARE DREAMS GOING TO BE ANSWERED OR RUINED FOR ETERNITY?!?!?! this is what i just found out this can't be happening either we will be filled with joy or want to go kill TBTP
  16. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    hello there family: we should write something to TBTP: Dear people of Csi NY... We wish to see a little bit of Claire in the following season/seasons we want to know what she was like and such and how Mac and her were together... and also please let Mac and Stella get together, well they don't...
  17. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    first off DEBS thanks for the awesome SMacked pics... we have 11 DAYS UNTIL THE SIXTH SEASON!!! and you what that means MORE SMACKED moments which means MORE GREAT SMACKED PICTURES!!!!!!!!! I'm SO SUPER EXTREMELY EXCITED... not even ONCE in my life was I SO EXCITED for a new season of...
  18. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    nice pics Debs they are so close to each other but yet so far away... they need to hug A LOT more... speaking of hugging I was just noticing something has Mac ever truely hugged anyone else before... I didnt think he was all for hugs, but with STELLA he'll hug her forever but yet he doesnt...
  19. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    I know everytime they grin at each other its like WTH is wrong with you Mac, do you see the way your looking at each other, stop taking your precious time and get to it already... you were a Marine for crying out loud, get your self together :D I love that scene I'm writing a one shot and i...
  20. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    I LOVE that picture one of my faves from that season... well thats not true I LIVE ALL SMACKED pictures especially when they're close to each other and smiling :D