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  1. L

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Okay i've bet this has been posted but it's John Mayer and his video of "Waiting on the WOrld to Change". It features a lot of CSI in it for the new season. Here's a link to it on youtube: ME RIGHT HERE! OMG! Is that Sophia on the morgue table?
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 Normally i don't like Chase too much but i think he might be growing on me! Last episode he was great! His your mama joke! And then they're reactions were: WTH?! Wilson seems like a very moody PMSing teenage girl. Oh well, i still like his character.
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    The Fake Spoiler Thread

    hah! i love the song "steady as she goes" Go Raconteurs! -Grissom magically becomes pregnant -Ecklie has to become Santa Clause for the CSI Christmas Party and scares all the little kids -Warrick does the cha cha with Nick
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    I agree with you whole heartedly... Wow, the credits seem like they're going to be long. Watch Lady Heather get added! that'd be awesome..
  5. L

    The Fake Spoiler Thread

    OMG! i love this one! I can see Nick flying on the butterfly and knocking over Grissom. hehe -Ecklie locks Sara up in the janitor's closet and says it was an "accident" -Bobby D. sees Ecklie at a gay bar -The team plays strip poker in the breakroom causing Ecklie to suspend them all
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    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons GregIsHott I FRICKIN LOVE ALL YOU V FOR VENDETTA ICONS! sorry for that! i just love V for Vendetta! it's one of my favorites!
  7. L

    The Fake Spoiler Thread

    I just though that this could be an entertaining thread in which we make up fake spoilers! Okay, here i go. -Ecklie slips on an ice cube and takes out Catherine who punches Greg midair while he trips Sara who "accidentally" slaps Grissom who suddenly body slams Warrick in which he shaves...
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    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    i don't get it! why do people keep calling Grissom and Sara's relationship an affair? Grissom:I got fired you guys... ALL:Why?! Grissom:I "accidentally" hit Ecklie in the balls with a baseball bat. ALL:*screams of laughter*
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    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Greg:Hey, Grissom! What are you doing? Grissom:I'm planning an evil scheme against Ecklie! Greg:Oh really?! Can I help? Grissom:Hmm, okay. Go get me some Diet Coke and Mentos! Greg:Why? Grissom:Because... We're going to launch a bottle of it right at him when he walks in through the door...
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House#2: 'More Adictive Then Vicodin!' I don't think Chase's past is that sad. It kinda is but then again a lot of people's are. I like the thread title! I've read spoilers and can't wait 'til the fifth of September!
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    I give up on my team. They can be quite depressing. And i'm super pissed at them. Well the managers in particular! They traded one of my favorite players. :mad:
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    What's Your Comfort Food?

    You're right! Chocolate allll the way! I love how you can just let it melt in your mouth and let the sugary goodness take control! MWHAH Hershey's is pretty good but it has a peculiar taste to it. Their dark chocolate is to die for!
  13. L

    beard or no beard for grissom ???

    THE BEARD! Sadly, it's gone... :(
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    Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

    Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers** OMG! What happened to Grissom?! noo! haha
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    Have you ever... ?

    :lol: Hell yes i have! Good times, with my friends.. Even though sometimes it's about nothing. Have you ever wished you were someone/something from a movie? Yes! All my favorite heroes! V from V for Vendetta, or Spiderman would be cooool.
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    favourite seaside places

    Agreed with pretty much all you just said! Canon Beach is hella windy.
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    Re: Introductions Hmm, I've decided i'm going to come here a little bit more often! too addicting for me.. kinda...
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    Important Announcement - ALL POSTERS PLEASE READ & REPLY

    mm, HOKAY! i love the fact that this is Shipper Central and everyone's post in this thread is way over three lines. ;)
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    Greg/Wendy: DNA Lab Techs In Love

    This is my favorite Greg ship! I could so see Wendy and him going on a date! Where to? For some reason i can picture them at an amusement park. hehe I love their name, Simmers! Let's see, i'm trying to stay on topic. Wonder what the writers have in store for us next season. More casual flirting...
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    Lady Heather/Greg #1- Bondage

    hah i kinda forgot about this ship... i thought Greg wasn't into liquid latex anymore. didn't he say that in 'Rashomama' or something. oh well, you never know Greg!