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  1. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    I know, I should've rephrased that. :lol: Congrats Jacquie, enjoy your time with Greg! :)
  2. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Look what I found, two pictures of Eric today in Monte-Carlo!! :drool: One Two Finally, he's looking good :drool:
  3. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Haha yeah, I was just going through some pages of that blog hoping there would be one. I should've known though because you probably would've posted it here if there was one. :lol: Edit: Finally some new pictures! Posted them in the picture thread.
  4. Ankeila

    CSI Icons #6: Showcase, Links and Requests

    Nice icons! Especially the Greg ones :drool:
  5. Ankeila

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #4 - Ch. #43 - It's a Dangerous Job! - Results!

    Re: Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #4 - Ch. #41 - Itsy Bitsy - Now Open! I might join this one, I've been feeling creative lately :hugegrin:
  6. Ankeila

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

    Haha, I don't know if Greg's a good cook. I think Nick has more potential. Anyway, Turn Turn Turn was on TV here yesterday. I kinda thought the cake was from Catherine. Then you had Ray who gave the tie and Riley gave him a breakfast if I recall correctly. Greg didn't give Nick anything then...
  7. Ankeila

    Photoshop Help Thread

    It might be a corrupt font on your computer, have you installed any new ones lately perhaps? Other than that I'd also suggest reinstalling it. If that doesn't help maybe try resetting your preference files. :)
  8. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Oh yeah, I see. I totally forgot about that French blog. Thanks for the update. Can't wait! :D
  9. Ankeila

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    Great banners everyone! :) I made some too:
  10. Ankeila

    I Have A CSI Music question.

    In Caged (CSI:LV, 2x07) there's this kind of trip-hop song playing while Nick is in a hazmat suit looking for something. I was hoping someone knows what song it is, though it's always hard to find instrumental songs.. :)
  11. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    That's so true! Also, welcome here. :) Still no sign of Eric in Monte Carlo though..*impatient*
  12. Ankeila

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #5

    The Gathering, ''Souvenirs''. It's amazing. :) 1. Telson 2. These Good People 3. Even the Spirits Are Afraid 4. Broken Glass 5. You Learn About It 6. Souvenirs 7. We Just Stopped Breathing 8. Monsters 9. Golden Grounds 10. A Life All Mine
  13. Ankeila

    Your Top 5 Fictional Characters?

    My top 5 favourite TV characters would be: 1. Greg Sanders from CSI 2. GOB from Arrested Development 3. Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 4. Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm 5. Barney from How I Met Your Mother
  14. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    and my 2nd set of G&G pics :) Taking his shoes and socks off for Grissom Both looking at some evidence Griss in the background Greg and a bit of Gil Greg and Grissom's back Greg looking at Griss
  15. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    For Warrick :( With Grissom 2 Grissom's shoulder Aagain his shoulder but Greg just looks good in orange :) Five Mildew
  16. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Some random pics to enjoy in the meantime. :)
  17. Ankeila

    Wallpaper Thread #10: Showcase, Links, & Requests

    Very nice wallpapers! Here are two kind of simple wallpapers I made today of Eric Szmanda :)
  18. Ankeila

    CSI Miami Icon Challenge #50 - Happiness is in the Air - Voting!

    Re: CSI Miami Icon Challenge #46: Ryan - Now Open! I think I'm in too! :)
  19. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    I've seen that interview quite some times, he's just adorable and I love his voice and dark hair. And how cute was it when he wished his great-grandma a happy birthday. He seems like such a sweet and modest guy. :)
  20. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Thanks for the link egeria! Nice little interview, he looks great there. :)