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  1. L

    Episode 7x25 "Seeing Red" - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    As much as I wish they would give Eric and Calleigh a break in the injury and hospital department I for one am glad they are wrapping up this Russian mob stuff. It's time for it to come to a close and hopefully we'll find out if Eric's father is good or bad.
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    Who said it and in which episode? Think you know? Let's find out...

    Re: Who said it and in which episode? Think you know? Let's find out.. Hope it's ok for me to jump in and play. Just guessing but is it... Calleigh and Ryan in Sunblock?
  3. L

    Would It Really Be A Better Miami...?

    Ok. As much as I hate to agree with you you're exactly right. Whenever he tries to protect her it just goes horribly wrong. I think that's one of the reasons why they show him not telling her everything. At least that way he will be the only one responsible for the results. I do think they...
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    Would It Really Be A Better Miami...?

    Yes, he did and he's pretty good about that, but I think Eric is as well. My point was he didn't really learn his lesson here because he did things like this a few more times before he learned to ask questions. Like Nailed where he assumed...whether he knew Eric or not he still assumed and he...
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    Would It Really Be A Better Miami...?

    Hey, that's fair. My judgement was colored with Natalia and Ryan for a while but I'm actually starting to see them a bit more clearly:lol: At least you're willing to admit it. Fair enough. I will add this though just to clarify what I mean when I say Eric tried to be nice. In the same episode...
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    **Spoiler Lab** You Know You Can't Resist!

    Great promo and all I can say is wherever Eric is I wouldn't want to be him because Calleigh looks downright pissed and miserable int his episode. Rocky road here we come...ugh!:scream:
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    Would It Really Be A Better Miami...?

    LOL! Ok had a little temporary moment of screen dyslexia there. I didn't see the but not both part. Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. I do see what you're saying about the romantic plotlines driving most of the action for her but that is easily remedied as others suggested on a different thread by...
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    Welcome to the FANFICTION LAND!

    Hello all, I'm Luvcsimiami and have been lurking and posting on the CSI Miami and Shipper threads for a while. I'm thirtysomething :lol: and love CSI (EC) I haven't written fanfiction since my favorite show La Femme Nikita went of the air but I felt the urge coming back in the last few...
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    Would It Really Be A Better Miami...?

    Florry86 and Delynn, Thanks a bunch for the words, the encouragement and the clarifications. I agree with what you guys have said regarding how to post, what to say and what not to say. Beleive me I was blasted (ok, I was partially to blame because I was less than diplomatic in one of my...
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    The Screentime Tallyboard

    Have to agree with you here. Just finished watching Season 4 all over again and I would say that season 3 and season 4 Ryan and Calleigh were paired almost all of the time and Eric and Horatio were paired almost all of the time. Ok...but Cal and Ryan were paired for almost two full seasons...
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    Would It Really Be A Better Miami...?

    Florry86, first let me say thanks for posting and especially for stating the above. In all honesty, I had no idea that's how I was coming across. I have combed this board looking for my posts looking to see where I ever said non E/C fans were "bad people" and I can't find it. However, that's not...
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    The Screentime Tallyboard

    Hmm, well I didn't think about that and I see where you're coming from. I could be very wrong and it's major supposition on my part as you're right if it were me I would want to be working as much as possible...but who knows. I doubt we will ever know unless an interviewer decides to ask her...
  13. L

    **Spoiler Lab** You Know You Can't Resist!

    Actually this may be happening in this episode already as Cal seems to be spazzing and well she just doesn't normally do that. She does lose it in front of Ryan but she also looks like she loses it in front of H in the extended promo so this much emotion from her even if she did shoot Eric is...
  14. L

    Would It Really Be A Better Miami...?

    I totally get what you're saying. I don't think it would be same show without these two and while I picked one if I had to pick I would hate to see either one of them to go because like it or not they or a huge part of the show becuse they are part of the original cast. Not that JT and ELR...
  15. L

    Would It Really Be A Better Miami...?

    Hi All, This is the first thread I've ever started on this board so hope I'm doing this correctly. Let me start with a disclaimer and say I am not being snarky or rude and this is not a shipper thread (at least I don't intend for it to be) at all so just bear with me. It's just an observation...
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    The Screentime Tallyboard

    So it looks like they are managing to work out the screen time a bit more (ok at least with Ryan anyway) I have to laugh, mjszud, at your Natalia icons....too funny:lol:. I agree one scene AGAIN, but more and more I'm thinking this is an ELR thing and not a TPTB thing. It just doesn't make...
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    **Spoiler Lab** You Know You Can't Resist!

    Couldn't agree more although I have to say an interesting twist would definately be if one of the main characters really did go bad. I don't know if there are any old Miami Vice fans on the board but if so remember when Crockett (Don Johnson's) character 'went bad'? He had amnesia for almost...
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    7x23 - Collateral Damage - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Hi Guys, I think Ryan's comments may have been a reference back to Divorce Party. Remember when Tara got smacked with the gazebo crashing down? Ryan is the one that comes back to tell Calleigh that Tara will be okay even though the crash aggravated an old shoulder injury. I'm guessing we're...
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    **Spoiler Lab** You Know You Can't Resist!

    LOL! Point taken...back to the actual spoilers...agree with you on this one. It would actually be nice to see these two move past their differences once and for all. Sometimes there is no way to do that other than to walk in another person's shoes. I've always thought these two are more similar...
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    **Spoiler Lab** You Know You Can't Resist!

    I didn't know that but it does make sense as mid season five is when you started seeing all the black with splashes of color. She was stunning before the injury and she's stunning now. She looks great in black, but it would be nice to see her in some color again.