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    Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!" Yay for Miss Montana!!! I watched it, and when she was announced..i wasnt even mad that iowa won..[iowa never wins]..but what was in my mind is that the judges really like CSI NY..;) allie
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    CSI: Senses

    here is the on the make it bigger I KNOW YOU CAN ALL LOVE ME LATER
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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    yep that was it..even though i would like to see her in some reds maybe even green..i love green..but blue is cool to..
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    Save Hammerbeck!!!

    SAVE SID!SAVE SID! dont make me make signs..come on..hes the most observant of them all...he knew Dannys crush on Lindsay..and his voice is so cool..i love it
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    Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!" wow..coincidence..and i just spelled that wrong..i love how there are info on not real people..but real people ya catherine isnt a real person..and yet..there is info about her..ok im off to eat..ta ta
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    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    i understand your reasoning Faylinn...but when i watched season one..i felt kinda..lost..ya i watched one eps. then i watched another..and all i knew was that Mac's wife died, [i hadnt seen blink] so i had no idea..but i can understand what you say about a new viewer getting lost. but...
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    Help!!! Why does Danny carry Lindsay?

    everyone...why why must we have such intellegent conversations ;) listen..they caught the bad guy at the why does it matter.. and yeah i am a d/l shipper..but and i did enjoy the scene..and im going to stick up for my ship, but i dont think that TPTB is shoving it down our...
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    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    OK MY opinion is..i dont think they are taking it to far, i mean. yeah its good that you can watch the first season out of order..but there was no underlying story line..i mean..yeah they had tanglewood, but now..that they are diving in with storylines from the past, to me its starting to feel...
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    What will you be looking forward to...?

    CSI NY..all the frist i was really into CSI and i just would die for new eps. and stuff..but soon my passion ran out..actually it cheated on me with CSINY so i soon fell in love with CSI NY. at first i was torn over csi miami..i can get pounded with tomatoes or cake or whatever but i...
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    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    only like 36 more days..god you know when your obsession has become bad enough that you dont even care that your birthday is in 33 days..all you want is for it to be sept. 20 you really dont care about the so sad..
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    Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!" umm thank you..all im so happy..umm to answer your question Moriel..i will have to say A. Even though i do enjoy the times that they sit in the break room and share bug pasta..but you know a resturant would be cool too! love allie
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    Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!" Hi *waves* oh my is a big day for me..its my 7 Month Annivarsary of being a D/L shipper..oh my gosh yay me!and only 36 days!
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    Danny and lindsay-you on the ride

    umm sorry everyone..the plot bunnies have run out of there hole..they wrote me a letter telling them they will be back there..and no one needs to chase me..ive done nothing no pitchforks love allie
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    Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!" umm look at my new signature..whooo hooo me.. allie and totally ( A) i think it would be great
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    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    since all my friends call me the spoiler whore of CSI NY..i love reading all these spoilers...please..spoil me.. hehe love allie
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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    um yeah on the point of LOLD..when sid and lindsay were in autopsy..and he said the line 'she might of have been uncounsious' when they talked about rape, the camera focused on lindsays face and her head popped up and she kinda had like this look on her face like..i dont know was just...
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    How You Discovered CSI

    well 2 years before any CSI'S came out my sister was killed, so i started becoming more into forensics. Then when i saw a commercial for CSI:crime scene investagation..i was a bit outraged because i was only 11 and i didnt understand the show but i started to get into it..and soon became...
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    Announcements - All Posters Please Read.

    i read it..and completly understand and agree..ill try to do better in the future..
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    Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!" Hi everyone : Lots going on in imagine how it will be a month from now. Yes MORIEL i really did get in a fight to back up my ship, i thought you were gonna kick my butt for that..whoo good thing you didnt umm i dont...
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    you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

    Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 when the enitre town doesnt know you by 'Allie' they know you by "Freaky CSI NY girl.".. oh yeah i get that alot on the street. and when people tell me i need to get a life, and i say i have one. 'it involves the letters c-s-i" AND my most favorite of...