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  1. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    Happy Valentine's Day! I can't wait to see tomorrow's episode either. I have to see how it plays out.
  2. HillHarperHOT

    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #7 - Now Up! Happy Birthday Elsie Jen
  3. HillHarperHOT

    CSI: NY icon competition-Ch.#18-Black, White & Color- Now Up

    Re: CSI: NY icon competition: Round #4 WINNERS UP! 11 4 33 I thought they all looked great. Jen
  4. HillHarperHOT

    CSI:NY D/L fic "A Little Somethin'-Somethin'"

    I think telling her in person would be an excellent idea. So I am pleading with everyone else.
  5. HillHarperHOT

    CSI New York Picture Game 6

    The Fall?
  6. HillHarperHOT

    CSI New York Picture Game 6

    A Man A Mile?
  7. HillHarperHOT

    CSI New York Picture Game 6

    I am going to guess Necrophilia Americana?
  8. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    Mo, Rad, and Chelliyah, I loved your poems. I wish I could be in on it too. Toja I don't think Lindsay would have a problem at all. Jen
  9. HillHarperHOT

    On Love Triangles (chock full of *MAJOR SPOILERS*)

    It is supposed to happen in 3.16, which is this Wednesday's episode in the United States.
  10. HillHarperHOT

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    I'm going to go with Peyton. Didn't 1CSIMfan say that it is not Hawkes she tells the secret too?
  11. HillHarperHOT

    Wallpaper thread #5

    Thank you. I think I might try it.
  12. HillHarperHOT

    Wallpaper thread #5

    You guys are great at wallpapers. Do you have to have natural talent to be able to do this? Jen
  13. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    I am not good at poems, but I think all of your versions are very good. Jen
  14. HillHarperHOT

    CSI New York Picture Game 6

    Open and Shut?
  15. HillHarperHOT

    CSI New York Picture Game 6

  16. HillHarperHOT

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    I agree Dutch, they should leave that discussion out, that is getting a little old now.
  17. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    Dutch I had to go back and check too after I read yours, I got excited, so I went back to make sure what I read was right. Welcome Toja! On a side note can anyone show me how to create a screen saver? Jen
  18. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    That is a wonderful spoiler Catey, but I thought it said Jen
  19. HillHarperHOT

    On Love Triangles (chock full of *MAJOR SPOILERS*)

    Silencer, I think they should have played Anna's pregnancy that way too. It would have made things a lot easier for them filming. In fact until I started reading spoilers I thought that was what they would do. I do think they could have not had Lindsey's character act so childish, but maybe...