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  1. HillHarperHOT

    Wallpaper thread #5

    Your wallpapers are great.
  2. HillHarperHOT

    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #9 Up Soon! Sounds like this will be fun. Good luck to everybody.
  3. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

    Hi guys! I would like for Flack or Hawkes to find out first. Just because I can see some funny teasing lines from them if they do. I am curious to find out how they are going to know that Danny went to Montana. Happy Birthday Catey! Hope you have a wonderful day. Jen :)
  4. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

    ^^I went to Itunes and downloaded first thing Thursday morning. Yay for the new thread. Maybe I will do more posting than lurking in this thread :) Jen
  5. HillHarperHOT

    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #8 Voting Now Up! Beginner: 13 20 28 Advanced: 14 19 23 Animated: 8 3 9
  6. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    I like all of the choices, so I am all for whatever you guys decide. I think I have watched that episode like 5 times already. I hope there is a new episode in March. April feels like it is ages away. Jen :)
  7. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    Lynny, I don't think she actually got over everything just because the case is over. I think she just realized that Danny would be there for her no matter what, so she is ready to take the next step. Hi to everyobody else. That has taken over as my favorite DL episode by far.
  8. HillHarperHOT

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    Go back a couple of pages, they talked about the spoilers for ep 19.
  9. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    xfcanadian just wanted to let you know for future reference. You have to put anything pertaining to an episode in a spoiler box until it has aired on the West Coast. Catey I figured I wouldn't be able to hold out, so I read it. Thanks.
  10. HillHarperHOT

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    I;m not sure about her hair being straight or wavy, but the part about it being bad to straigten/curl hair is a myth.
  11. HillHarperHOT

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    I agree Radical618. I can't wait until this is over.
  12. HillHarperHOT

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    She told Stella about the case and Mac already knew.
  13. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    Hi guys! I haven't been here in like a week, so just wanted to say high.
  14. HillHarperHOT

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    Maybe they want the people who don't read the spoilers to be surprised when they see Lindsay in the episode.
  15. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    Ep 18 will air on Feb 28. Mo I love the title for the new thread. Happy Belated Birthday, smiliee.
  16. HillHarperHOT

    CSI New York Picture Game 6

    Silent Night?
  17. HillHarperHOT

    Wallpaper thread #5

    You all did an aweseome job on the wallpapers.
  18. HillHarperHOT

    CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Eriss you did a wonderful job.
  19. HillHarperHOT

    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #7 - Voting Open! It was a very hard choice. Beginners: 9 15 3 Advanced: 6 4 3
  20. HillHarperHOT

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    That is a great promo. I am glad that they are giving Sid a storyline.