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  1. B

    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    Hey, guys! :D Thanks for the great coments on my fic, they really do mean alot to me. I am struggling again with chapter two, as most of it will be consisting of Horatios thoughts. That, and I accidentally deleted the hints LMH gave me :o If any of you would like to suggest something,please...
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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    hehe.... thanks, guys! here is the last part of chapter one. For me it went a bit fast, but that's just because I got excited. Really excited... :lol: :devil: anyways, here goes...! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Calleigh! Sweetheart!” Horatio roared at the top of his lungs as he rammed down the...
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    Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge CSI:Miami - ch #14 ~ A Smile Says It All 19 2 35
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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    Okay, all my buddies in the DuCaine shipper thread have known about this idea for some time, so I finally decided to do something about it. This is my first fic in a long, long time so please excuse me if I'm a bit rusty ;) LuvingmyHoratio helped me with some ideas for it when I suffered...
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    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Second in Command Now up! BEGINNERS: 9, 22, 23. ADVANCED: 5, 6, 1.
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    Wallpaper Challenge #11.5: ~ "Reruns" - Winners Up!!

    Re: WP Challenge #11: Provided Caps ~ Now Up! hope I'm not too late: beginners 3,16, 8 advanced 6, 1, 16
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    Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

    congrats on the new thread guys! :D If I had pics to post, I would lol
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    YAAAY! :lol: *takes jellybeans and grins* thanks! :D I PM'd ya with my email addy :) I might do a mix of both, depending on my mood and confidence levels at the time :lol: and since its friday night here, I'm gonna have a real late night writing up some fic! :devil: Even if it's crap? :lol...
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    Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

    Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants Yeah.... lots and LOTS of Rory..! :devil: :lol: I dunno which one to get, and I have to chose between so many good ones.... I think one of them are animated? which one si that? I think I should get that one... the last animated/cartoon movie I got was the...
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    Conquences: The Trial

    "Ok, after you were grabbed from behind, what happened? Did your attacker do anything to you, say anything to you, take you anywhere?" Scratching her head Lindsay stifled a small yawn and said, "After.... After he grabbed me from behind, he clamped somtehing over my mouth.... it kind od felt...
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    First of all... Kerosene... thanks for the pics! I love the one of her and her mom, just gorgeous... I can totally see where she gets her beauty from ;) like someone up there^^ said ;) and Skylar, that is an awesome avvie.... I will probably find it in one of my google raids...hehe :devil: I...
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    Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

    Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants Well, I have to say... the only Rory movie I have is Empire Records.... :o :lol: I am so lame, I can't even think of a new thread title, so whatever you guys can come up with will be awesome! :lol: :D
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    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    Hey, guys! :D Sorry I haven't been around anymore to see you guys and our favorite couple...... I just haven't had enough energy to do so :(... Anyways, how are we going? and how is the D/L lurve? :p :devil:
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Do I get some jelly beans aswell? :lol: I am writing up a Hurricane Anthony fic right now.... :devil: it starts out pretty angsty... I think ;) most of it will be angst, then there'll be some fluff and some smut.... hehe :devil: I'm not sure whether it'll be PG or NC17 though... hehe. :) I'd...
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    Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

    Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now! Thanks for the extension :D I'll be sending my icon in right away :D
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    I know I was asking for it :p I have so many favorites.... so I literally jkust picked one at random. But if I had to actually think about it, it would probably be "The Hug" or the scene in "Going Under" which was the namesake of our last thread ;) Okay, another question, but this is a kind...
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    LIMS Round 3:The Ultimate Test of Creativity-LIMS Winner Up!

    Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity hey guys! I cannot believe I missed the voting for Emilys icons! :eek::lol: Great jobs everyone and can't wait to see the entries for this new one ;)
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    Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

    Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants Mine too! :D :lol: Although I think all the lines he has in that move aremy faves... esp. when he tries to freak the guy stealing CD'sout.. just too cute! :d and Ladies,are we gonna do a poll for new thread names? we're coming oh so close to a new...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    awww, I love all the... love that is going on in here! :p I love that vacation pic... I might use it as an icon on MSN :lol: I should really do some writing for the pair, but my energy is going into sschoolwork :( Just a question, but what is your absolute fave scene? Mine is the "Hellooo...
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    Wow, those are some great pics, Leela! :D Since I haven't seen the whole season and I dont know when I will, I can only say I rate the ones I've seen very highly. The writing is fab (as I always think... :p) but yeah... and as for the storyline thing... Maybe something with Kenwall if it hasn't...