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  1. P

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    It could just be my poor eyesight but to me the place from the spoiler pics where Mac, Stella, Linds and Adam are looks to be a cafe of some sort (there's meat hanging from the ceiling) and the place in the promo looks like bar. Giving weight to the theory that the shooting at the entire team...
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    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Horatio- Damn where are my sunglasses...puts them on...If only people knew they were really x ray glasses Natalia- yeah I do and I saw you following Calleigh with them on earlier so it's no use looking at me like that now
  3. P

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    Loved last nights ep and the promo for the next was great
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    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Keppler-So I then realised it must have been the brother....where did Warrick go? Catherine- bathroom (grins madly) Keppler-Only something under this tables tickling my leg
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    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Thanks guys :) here's the next pic On the left Horatio and the right Catherine....enjoy
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    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    FlacK: Danny I know it's dress down day at work but you still need pants Danny: Mac said it was fine Trevor: Yeah I'm ok with it, I'm not wearing any either Flack: Guys come on am i the only one with pants on? Danny: pretty much Flack: Really! I've got to go find Stella....
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    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Gil- Cath this looks like our front room, what exactly are those dolls doing? Cath- There us. I thought it could go in your office and remind you of home Gil- Us! I don't recal ever been in that postition and I certanly do not need a magnifying glass to see that part of your body.....this is...
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    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Thanks for your votes :) Here's you next pic From left to right Horatio, Danny and Mac
  9. P

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Stella- I'm thinking of auditioning for L'Oreal, I'm gonna do this pose Don- Me too I was thinking of a pose like that only in the shower Stella- Do you know what Danny's staring at? Don - Oh I did the shower version for him....he hasn't blinked in a while
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    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Calleigh- Ok boy's quick draw whoever clears the table first wins the prize Speed - What's the prize? Calleigh- ME H- I think i'm at a better angle to clear it. Speed- I bet all three of us could fit....
  11. P

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    Why not mix all of them, A outdoor case with a missing child that Lindsay gets obsessed with. After she gives birth I can see her becoming more passionate about cases involving children. Here's my plan, A young child is kidnapped, Lindsay borders on obsessive when processing the evidence, which...
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    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    Love the idea 11Krage, I've just got vision's of Lindsay and Hawkes in the middle of no where, Hawkes has been shot and Lindsay's there getting the bullet out with her knife under instrution from Hawkes. I'd definatly like to see her out the lab again, mabye Mac could get kidnapped (it does...
  13. P

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    Bit late but with this but never mind...I liked the fact Danny was excited about picking names and the fact he managed to get everyone else involed with it. Loved his comment about the name sheldon :lol:. His face when he found out it's a girl was good, I think he'd spent so long focusing on it...
  14. P

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    David-"No Cath honey you look fine, Doc Robbins may just have got carried away with the plastic surgery." Cath-"so I've lost weight?" David- "yes, but it may cause a problem with certain aspects of our relationship." Cath- "you can still kiss me, come on then...."
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    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    When asked to do a visual comparison Stella was slightly shocked when Horatio and Mac reveal what they wanted comparing.
  16. P

    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    Ok I've had a couple more goes and I may be improving, definatly getting more addicted Paradise Don't waste a kiss
  17. P

    Grade 'Point of No Return'

    I though the eopside was ok so gave i t B-. I'm enjoying the Greek storyline. As much as I like Danny and Lindsay the cheesy timing of the phone call made me think his wedding ring is the next step in phone advances, if you rub you wedding ring hard enough your wife calls. Not sure about Danny...
  18. P

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    After posing for five hours for Mac to make a model of her Stella was hoping for something slightly more advanced.