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  1. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Every article says he will not be in the 300th episode, which is BS. The 300th episode is the 4th episode and he's only in the first 3.
  2. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Seriously, when Petersen was there and in the beginning the writers always welcomed their ideas and problems with the characters. These new writers don't know the original characters at all. CM is the one that should be removed from the show. I, also, think if Zuiker was still in charged...
  3. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    We support you, George! Good for you for standing up for the integrity of your character. Shame on Carol for making you take a leave. If you're not on, I won't be watching. They've treated you like crap and you called them on it. Good for you!!!!!!!
  4. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Amen, Blackflag, amen! Greg fans can rejoice. He should get more screen time now.
  5. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Carol is to blame for all of this. George has been a cheerleader for the show and she has done nothing, but treated him like crap. And now he'll miss the 300th episode. Well guess it was going to be crap in the first place. The writers they have now are crap and have written crappy stuff...
  6. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Thanks, Shane! Appreciate the info and good review, too. :)
  7. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I wonder if any of George's family were at the premiere? I would hope so.
  8. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Because whenever they tell us plans for Nick they never happen. Like he'll deal with his quitting throughout last season and then there wasn't enough time, but we'll deal with it before the end of the season. Which never happened. And if this story line actually happens, it'll be...
  9. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    I won't hold my breath.
  10. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I can't wait until the movie comes out. :) I have to say I'm a little disappointed, not one mention of his movie on CSIFiles. :confused: Even Jorja was there and nada. :shifty: Oh well, at least his fans know! Man, I wish we knew if it will be opening in theaters. Even if it's a limited release.
  11. S

    Iconic Evidence

    Oh yeah, I forgot a few. :D The evidence in 'ReDrum' that lead Nick to believe Catherine and Keppler were doing something wrong. Peanut Shells in 'Evaluation Day'. The secret 'nursery' in 'King Baby' Blood on Nick's shirt in 'Rashomama' - after all, it made him have to take his shirt off...
  12. S

    Iconic Evidence

    The gum drops that Cassie dropped in 'Gum Drops' The signature on the co-ed's penis in 'Pledging Mr. Johnson' :lol: The fire ants in 'Grave Danger' All the evidence in 'Ending Happy' :lol: Hammer in the tree in 'If I had a Hammer' The blood spatter that belonged to a live person...
  13. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    What I hope is that when tptb say they have something planned for Nick, that they actually follow through with it. Not, 'we didn't have time' when I could have mentioned many times it could have been Nick dealing with his quitting. :rolleyes: The GSR stuff and Greg making an important...
  14. S

    Harnois Discusses Her Role In Tonight's 'CSI' Finale

    Wow, another big episode for Morgan. What a shocker. :rolleyes:
  15. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    In 22/23 episodes they have not had the opportunity to fully address his quitting. Really? :wtf: And it sounds like they are not going to deal with it by the end of the season either. Now there's a surprise. At the beginning of the season they always 'claim' to have plans for Nick and then...
  16. S

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    I have to say I'm appalled at some of the reaction at this interview. About Petersen saying the show shouldn't have gone on this long. I everyone on here has been complaining about the writing, how their favorite characters are treated, and that show should just end. Since what...season 3...
  17. S

    "Forget Me Not" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Yup, I'm going to have to put my two cents in. :D It's no secret that I have never been a fan of GSR ;) as I feel there is absolutely no romantic chemistry between the team members, yes, as lovers, no! Now having said that and I've posted this before, I think the writers have...
  18. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Works for me! :D Thanks for letting us know.
  19. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Are you sure? It shows Benjamin Bratt being the guest.
  20. S

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Thanks for the info, Shane. But, seriously, what arc is there for Nick? Tptb keep saying they'll address him quitting and they haven't. Episode 19 will feature him and DB and then Nick will deal with that for the rest of the season? Happy that Sam is coming back, though. :) Now we...