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  1. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    George, like the others, is under contract. Though he doesn't want to come back, unfortunately, the decision is not his. His people would have to work the network to have him released from his contract. If he is coming back soon, which I still don't believe (no one has confirmed when that...
  2. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Or a drug addicted son. :rolleyes:
  3. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Nope, no room for him and looks like the other veterans will be pushed more and more in the background. So is Morgan going to put herself out there for this serial rapist, too? :rolleyes: And get raped :rolleyes: and we have deal with more of her angst? :rolleyes: And what is with us...
  4. S

    The Devil and DB Russell

    He loved both of them. Where do you get he didn't?
  5. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    He did stand up for his character and he did quit. However, he just can't up and leave because he is under contract. He wants out of the show and I'm sure his people were trying to get him out of his contract. Quitting shows he wants out. The writing is bad and they're destroying our beloved...
  6. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Don't hold your breath! Harnois did an interview with TV Guide (I think) and said that this season she won't know who she wants be with :rolleyes: (Tried to find it, but can't, maybe someone here will remember) And Sara gets the 300th episode, it centers around her. I don't particularly think...
  7. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    You didn't know Brass wasn't her father? That was mentioned, I believe in the first episode Ellie ever appeared in.
  8. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Nick's background has been that he was a cop before becoming a CSI, so he is trained to do this. No, doesn't mean he should be, but out of all the CSIs he's the only one with the police background.
  9. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Exactly Sookie. I don't think the writers will want to write for him and he'll be even more in the background. :rolleyes: I'm also worried that this will just be a hostile environment for George. :( Will the cast welcome him back? Somehow I don't see it. Maybe Jorja, but not the rest of them...
  10. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    And Morgan in jeopardy again. :rolleyes: I mean, seriously? Again? I know Nick has gotten in his fair of scrapes, but at least they were so spread out with a few seasons in between.
  11. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Not necessarily. They don't have to put him in the show and force him to sit out the season. He could have his people working on getting him out of his contract. However with what Shane posted maybe he is coming back. It seems like, but is that for sure? Okay, okay, it sounds like it, but...
  12. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    So Nick will be missing, but you can't discuss plans you have for his character when he comes back? Yeah, don't think George is coming back. The CSIs are like a family....ah sorry, but I disagree. I haven't felt the 'family' vibe with them in the past couple of seasons. It's just not there...
  13. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Which just goes to show you, that George is right and inadvertently spoke for all us. Too bad tptb are protecting the writer's instead of handling the truth. :rolleyes: The writers should be forced to watch the show from the beginning so they learn what this show is about and what made it so...
  14. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Probably heavy on DB and Morgan, but doesn't want to give it away. ;)
  15. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Exactly, JorjaFoxFan I don't mind the confident, arrogant, self-serving, obnoxious part (at least it's something different), it's the cheating and dating a co-worker part. :rolleyes: As I won't be watching that episode (no George:rolleyes:) I won't have to suffer through that crap.
  16. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    soap opera :rolleyes:
  17. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Maybe I should have said 'quick to accuse or quick to decide someone is guilty.'. He did it with Warrick in 'For Gedda' and with Langston. Everyone felt they were innocent, he did not.
  18. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    It won't be Morgan. Hearing no spoilers is done on their end to make sure we think it's her. It's not. I can guarantee it. As for Greg sitting with Ecklie, I'm sure it's because he blames Nick for Morgan getting kidnapped. Greg said they should pick her up and Nick said no, let's wait it out...
  19. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Every season they say they'll shock us, but they don't. We can always predict what they have in store. Morgan will not die. They're not about to kill her off. Brass is sitting in the front pew, which would indicate either Ellie or his ex-wife is in the coffin. Again, not shocking...
  20. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I miss that friendship, too. So much. They were great together.