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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    These are soooooo cool!!
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    I think I killed this thread..
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    Kaecla , Your welcome!
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    Its on digital cable. Or satellite, but it isnt the most basic service of satellite (at least where i live..) Its usually Nog/N cause its Noggin during the day (6 am to 6 pm) which is for younger kids. Then its The-N at night. Check out the official website of the-n to help..
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    tuesdaymorning, I like her with longer hair also..
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

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    Best Grissom/Catherine Songs

    Geeks Get The Girls by American Hi-Fi (not sure if these are correct but i got these off of a website) Lyrics: Another Friday night, to get the feeling right At the bar when he sees her coming over What you gonna do, if she walks up to you Tongue tied better get yourself together Pound...
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    CSI-Inc. Releases First Ever Do It Yourself 'CSI' Kit

    I want this sooo bad. I hope they release it to the US.
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    I guess nobody else here watches Degrassi...
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    KiraGrissom I love the last two!! *drools on keyboard*
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    Have you seen her new haircut??
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    The whole friends with benefits thing...Ewwwww.. And the van.. EWWWWWWWW X10
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    Almost all the guys are hott on it. I love Marco (even though hes gay he is sooooo hott!!!!) and Craig is fine too.. And Jimmy....... And Spinners skater haircut.....ahhhh *wipes off drool*
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    I watched it and it was good. Degrassi brings up a lot of tough issues and thats one of them... I knew about the episode a while ago but lately it has become a huge discussion online.. I dont remember her parents kicking her out of the house though. At the end of Accidents Will Happen Part 2...
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    It was like Emma and Manny switched places. Im surprised The-N didnt edit out the part where Emma says "It least Im not getting pregnant!" A ton of people at where like "Manny is pregnant??" But she was in Season 3 with Craigs baby.
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    Secret?? Emma has changed sooo much!! -- Go to to watch season 4 episodes and Accidents Will Happen Parts 1 and 2!! (The banned episodes, Manny has an abortion).. ~~But, Goin Down The Road Part 2 was pulled off of the site (stupid Putfile!). I'm not sure why. Cat's...
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    Does anybody else here watch this show?? I do!! I love it! I only started watching it a few months ago when I got satellite in my room and my dad upgraded services on it. It airs on THE-N (Noggin during the daytime). New episodes Fridays at 8 eastern. I have been catching up on episodes b/c of...
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    Les Moonves: Viacom Split May Have Its Benefits

    Then I would spent all of my money downloading episodes to my cell phone, and pausing each episode to stare at Greggo.
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    Would you go to a CSI convention??

    If i had $ i would go..
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    What kind of cell phone do you have??

    I got a Samsung A-650 from Verizon. Its a color screen flip phone, no camera with internet. I have bought 2 ringers.