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  1. N

    The Off-Topic Thread.

    Gah! speed_cochrane your talk of Chicken McNuggets makes me crave them!! :eek: Must...have...greasy....nuggets :lol:
  2. N

    The Off-Topic Thread.

    My black nailpolish can be peeled off in one big chunk :eek: It's weird and very entertaining :D I made brownies and they failed horribly :( Rawr.
  3. N

    Last Song Syndrome

    For anyone who has seen the Pepsi commercial with Jimmy Fallon...i have that techno song in my head. I am dancing to it right now :lol:
  4. N

    Confessions Thread #2

    Confession: I'm addicted to Jolly Ranchers. I bought like 5 packages of them today. :) Confession: I'm scared of cavities...i've never had one, so everytime i eat a Jolly Rancher i brush my teeth :lol:
  5. N

    Your Screen Name: What does it mean?

    Hm..CSI_Junkie was just a random name that popped into my head. I hate it though..bah, i wish i could change it. I usually use Nirvana_Child when i sign into things on the internet. *Is wondering why i didn't use that for my TalkCSI username* :lol:
  6. N

    The Official Pets thread

    * Loud Squeeing* Ok heart Bindi is beyond cute. More pictures! :lol: asimplekindofgirl your wee puppy is so darling :D Her big ears make me giggle :)
  7. N

    The Off-Topic Thread.

    My town smells like kitty does :eek: It's pretty rancid :lol:
  8. N

    greg game

    Wow!!! *Is amazed* :eek: Well i say ol chap, right ye are! Ok i'm a nerd...anyways..congrats Wojo!
  9. N

    The Official Pets thread

    Awww heartagram69 i want your baby rat :D Too cute! I wish i had a rat that would sit on my shoulder :) Aww Swami i love time i picked one up at a petstore and i scared the poo out of him. Literally :lol:
  10. N

    greg game

    Nope. Keep Guessing :D I will give it one more day and if no one else answers i will think of a hint. Wrong Guesses: -Ellie -Organ Grinder -Slaves of Las Vegas -You've Got Male
  11. N

    greg game

    Nope Sorry! Wrong Guesses: -Ellie -Organ Grinder -Slaves of Las Vegas
  12. N

    greg game

    Yay! Ok so here is the picture. Good luck :D Greggo
  13. N

    greg game

    My guess is...Secrets and Flies I don't even remember the episode,or if Greg was even in it, i just took a wild guess :lol:
  14. N

    Stupid/Embarassing things you/someone you know has done

    Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d Wow. Dumb girls make me laugh :lol: I was like dying laughing from reading about some of these brilliant girls you guys have in your classes :lol: Of course i have to put up with girls like that everyday too :rolleyes: Ok, this...
  15. N

    Anyone on Myspace?

    :eek: B..B..But i always say it :( :)
  16. N

    Anyone on Myspace?

    Gah! Ok so here is my lame profile. Seriously...i suck at making's me :lol: Woot Woot! Add me if you like! :D
  17. N

    CSI Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

    Whoaa, i love what you do with Catherine's hair in some of your icons! Thats so cool! #14 really caught my eye, it's lovely. :D Keep up the good work. Constructive feedback-More Greg :lol: ;)
  18. N

    CSI Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

    Squee! Great Nick icons! :D
  19. N

    Anyone on Myspace?

    Halo I like your MySpace. The bird sounds in that video scared the poo out of me though :lol: It was so loud and unexpected. ETA: I'm currently in the middle of attemping to make a MySpace. I will post it later :D
  20. N

    Favorite Bands/Artists

    I love Alkaline Trio :D Eee! They are so good. I love their CD 'Good Mourning'