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    "Ghost Town" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I don't think Sara was referring to the Heavy Metal Music= Satanism. I think she was talking about the dead crow because Ozzy bite the head of a bird during one of his concerts and Sara was talking about that because of the dead bird they found.
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    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    You will really love the scenes between Catherine and Sara in the new episode. They were beautiful and honest.
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    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Catherine and Sara are going a real play lately. They were being sexy on the cover of Tvguide, had people asking when they are going to get together. Now just this morning when JF was doing a radio interview, the host mention wanting to see Catherine and Sara finale act on their long held...
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    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    I saw it and I love it, but I still can't believe they actually included the question of whether Catherine and Sara would ever kiss each other on the show. I love Jorja and Marg answer to that question.
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    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Can't wait to see Catherine and Sara in scenes together again. I hope that this time the writers give them lots of scenes together. I really can't wait to see how Catherine reacts to Sara being part of her team and how Sara react to taking orders from Catherine. Btw what are the best websites...
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    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    I think last season it was because of the things that were going in her personally life. I think she probably asked TPTB for less airtime so that she deal with RL and TPTB did that for her. But I'm hopping that this season will be different because I want more Catherine.
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    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    Sorry double post.
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    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    Sorry double post.
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    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    I’m know I’m going to get flame for this but after everything that I have read, I feel that I most. I will post this in several parts. 1. TPTB goal is not to insult fans, it is not to please actors, it is not to please a small but vocal group, it is not to insult actors or make them feel...
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    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    I'm looking forward to this but I hope, he is not alone. I hope Greg, because he needs the airtime, Wendy because they have great chemistry and Brass goes with him.
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    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    And that is why Sara is my favorite character. If she was a perfect character, she would not be interesting, she would just be a wall-paper to any scene and not just a interesting wall-paper but a plain white wall paper which is totally boring when it comes to times to look it. So while to...
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    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

    I don't this is about listening to the fans, I think this move is about looking at the ratings and trying everything to keep CSI the top show that it has been the last couple of yrs. All TPTB cares about is money, whatever will make the show put more money in their pockets is what they will...
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    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    That was from Falling Idol, when Sara was shaving Grissom, she asked him this question and his response to her was," intimately," in a sexy voice. Which I always thought meant that he trusted her without question or doubt. "So you going"
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    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Thank you everyone for the help, it is working for me now and thank you for the welcome. The answer to the last quote is: Bloodlines. "Crazy people do make me feel crazy" This is an easy quote but it is one of my favorites.
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    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #7: A Beautiful Soul

    Thanks for all the great pictures guys. what happen to the GSR website : your tax dollars at work: I try to go to it but the URL keep sending me to a stupid website. Did the close it out.
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    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Hi I have a question and I thought this would be the best place to ask it: Does anyone know what happened to the gsr website your tax dollars at work, I try going to it a couple of times and the url keep sending me to a stupid website. So I was wondering if the owner of the site closed it down...