Search results

  1. C

    Who is your favorite character on CSI:NY?

    I didn't mention Danny in my previous response because he's not really towards the top of my list at this point in time. Not that I dislike him, but I just found him more interesting in the earlier seasons when his Tanglewood connections and conflicts with Mac were more prominent. Too bad they...
  2. C

    Who is your favorite character on CSI:NY?

    I have three favorite characters -- Mac, Stella, and Flack -- and my "most favorite" tends to change between those three depending on the storyline and/or season. Currently, I chose Stella as my favorite. I think it's hard to create and sustain a female character who is strong and tough but...
  3. C

    Grade 'Help'

    Overall, I thought this was an average type of episode, elevated mainly by Hill Harper’s scenes. I have applauded the writers before for their efforts to use the entire cast in a single episode, but this is one time I think they overshot the mark. Was it really necessary to have two worm...
  4. C

    Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

    Just delurking to pass on some information I heard on the radio while driving today.... Fox News Channel will be showing a one hour special about Gary Sinise's trip this past summer to visit troops in Iraq. It's titled “On the Road in Iraq With Our Troops and Gary Sinise” and is...
  5. C

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Yeah, it's a soapy kind of plot, but then again this whole stalker thing has that fatal attraction vibe, so I doubt it's going to end without some amount of melodrama and bloodshed. But maybe they'll surprise me. I It's too bad if what could have been an interesting character -- a...
  6. C

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Thank you for all the spoilers! :thumbsup: I'm really looking foward to a Hawkes-centric episode and hope that if his ex-girlfriend turns out to be an interesting character, she can show up occasionally as a recurring guest. Re: Gillian, I wonder if there will be some type of horrible...
  7. C

    Grade 'Forbidden Fruit'

    I think you are right. It looks like perhaps a couple of months has passed in between the last two episodes. Not a big deal, but it can be jarring when they make a time shift like that and events are assumed to be happening offscreen. And it becomes even more disjointed if the writers don't...
  8. C

    Grade 'Forbidden Fruit'

    I didn’t have a chance to get a review in before the holidays, so this isn’t very timely, but thought I’d throw it in anyway before the season resumes. Overall, I thought this was one of the stronger episodes of the season. The case had enough unusual elements (the fruit, DNA masking, etc.)...
  9. C

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple Wow, they really are moving the D/L storyline along quickly...which is really making me wonder why. If the marriage is a surprise or spur-of-the-moment thing, I can understand why the families might not be there. In their absence...
  10. C

    Grade 'The Triangle'

    Grade = C-, slightly below average. Interesting that there didn't seem to be a cohesive theme to this one (unless triangle also refers to the three different storylines), and the case itself really wasn’t the centerpiece for once. There were a few interesting elements to the case -- the...
  11. C

    Is there too much romance in CSI: NY?

    I agree. I’d vote “No,” at this point because some of the pairings mentioned really aren’t full fledged romances – just relationships where at least one of the parties involved may have non-platonic feelings for the other. They do seem to be trending towards too much emphasis on non-platonic...
  12. C

    Grade 'The Box'

    I think this episode was the poorest showing so far of the season. Hard to believe this was really a sweeps episode. The whole thing seemed like it was just cobbled together out of disparate pieces. The case itself had some sensationalistic elements (crushed body, baby taken from dead...
  13. C

    Grade 'My Name is Mac Taylor'

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, I know it's not likely to happen, but I can dream.... If Stella and Danny get into serious trouble for "breaking the rules" re: the Greek embassy fella, I bet Mac will be there delivering the verbal smackdown. And then Stella can pull out the "hypocrite" card...
  14. C

    Grade 'My Name is Mac Taylor'

    I think you could be right. Between the extra guest stars, NY locales, intro of recurring character, and case itself, there was a lot to fit into this episode, and some of the choices made may not have been optimal. As funny as the Nelly/Danny/Flack parts were, that element seemed shoehorned in...
  15. C

    Grade 'My Name is Mac Taylor'

    I had a tough time trying to grade this one and in the end, gave it a B-, which may be a bit too high...but since it was the 100th ep, I was feeling generous. There were some good moments and scenes, but I don't think the many pieces gelled well and I agree the pacing seemed off. Strangely...
  16. C

    Grade 'Dead Inside'

    Agree. Icky was exactly the word running through my head at the end of this episode. The case itself was rather mundane with a few sensational elements (the floating house, virtual relationships) thrown in to try and dress it up. Didn't work for me though, and I couldn't find a way to grade this...
  17. C

    Grade 'Enough'

    Thanks for the explanations.:) Yeah, I get what you're saying....I'm just used to a different model where like you mentioned, when someone goes on vacation, the critical work gets divided among people who would normally be working anyway, so their salaries should already be accounted for. But...
  18. C

    Grade 'Enough'

    I'm a week late on this one but thought I'd throw my thoughts in anyway before the thread disappears from the page. Overall, I thought this was the best episode of the season so far, so it gets a grade of A- from me. I still couldn't quite give it the full A, however, for reasons to be...
  19. C

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple Not all, but they probably think a lot of us are that shallow -- which helps explain things like women wearing totally inappropriate (and revealing) clothes in the workplace and men getting their share of shirtless scenes...
  20. C

    CSI NY celebrate the hundredth episode

    Yeah, he still looks good. But you never know when a producer could be out there looking for the next James Bond, so it might not hurt every now and then to dress it up a bit, especially when he cleans up so well. :)