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  1. R

    Favorite reality TV show?

    America's Next Top Model!!!!
  2. R


    Re: Introductions Heya Debbie, Lindsey. Brownies are on the table. Unless someone already ate them up.
  3. R


    Re: Introductions OMG THE BUNNY SUICIDE BOOK ROCKS!!!!!!!! *ahem* Welcome newbies!!! :D
  4. R


    Re: Introductions Welcome newbies! Brownies are on the table. *points* Eh? Where'd they all go? *stares at empty plate*
  5. R

    House MD

    YAY! Video clip from next week's episode is up at FOX . Cuddy looks goooood.
  6. R


    Re: Introductions Aww. I was hoping you'd go crazy from those speling mistakes I made purposely. Damn.
  7. R


    Re: Introductions Heya Marion! Don't worry, it takes a lot to scare us. May I offer you brownies?
  8. R


    Re: Introductions You're a teacher Jayne? Ah. Froom now on me swears to mind my langguage andd make surre to speel evryting corecly. :D
  9. R

    What are you wearing right now???

    9:48am. Still in my pajamas lol. With weird leaf patterns on them. They're ugly as hell, but they feel nice.
  10. R


    Re: Introductions Welcome Becky! Would you like some cookies?
  11. R

    Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

    Yes, I hear them too... Loud whispers coming from lab closets and... cars! Cars to be processed!
  12. R

    House MD

    *bangs head* I remember watching this ep, but I can't remember HL at all!! :( Then again, that was before I was a House fan, and I had no interest in Hugh Laurie whatsoever. I was a sad, sad little girl. :p
  13. R

    Who here is a Joaquin Phoenix fan

    Oh yes, Gladiator definitely made me a Joaquin fan. I just watched 'Walk the Line' a few weeks ago, and damn he can sing!
  14. R

    Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

    I wonder if Carmine has a pirate name... But anyways, yay! We've got another DnAer!
  15. R


    Re: Introductions Sea cucumber? Ew lol. I remember I once stepped on one and... nevermind. Anyways, welcome Lea ! Enjoy yourself, and remember: Always check the cookies before eating them.
  16. R

    Shows you like more than CSI?

    House! Nothing beats House! Yeah, sorry, if House and CSI were on the same night, I'd rather watch House. But CSI is second, though!
  17. R

    House MD

    Oh god. I was browsing Television Without Pity's House Forum , and I came across this 'Brokeback Hospital' clip. Lol, I love it, love it, love it. Brokeback Hospital
  18. R

    House MD

    My favourites? 1. Wilson 2. House 3. Cuddy 4. Foreman 5. Chase 6. Cameron. Anyways, today I bought House Season 1 on DVD. Very happy.
  19. R

    House MD

    But they re so fun to watch together! Especially the conversations they have, like the 'God' one. I'm hoping that we'll get a special episode where we get to see how House and Wilson became friends. Like, a flashback episode will be fine.
  20. R

    Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

    Lol, my pirate name is Cheatin' Bernice Jones. And sorry guys, I haven't been posting here lately at all... I'm a bad bad bad DnA fan. :(