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  1. R

    House MD

    Ooh yes. I saw them too, a few days ago.
  2. R

    House MD

    LOL, yeah, and he had to juggle for one part, it was hilarious.
  3. R

    House MD

    Thanks lol. I had... an okay day yesterday, I guess. Had exams.
  4. R

    House MD

    LOL, that was really funny.
  5. R

    What are you wearing right now???

    School uniform. White shirt, blue pinafor on top of it. :( God Bless the day I leave school and can wear something else.
  6. R

    Stupid/Embarassing things you/someone you know has done

    Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d Eww... Once, my friend tried to prove to us that pudding could defy gravity... Well, as always, it didn't work out to well, and since the pudding was chocolate flavoured it bore a striking resemblence to... You know what. Worse, we...
  7. R


    Re: Introductions Hello Jessie. Welcome. :D
  8. R

    House MD

    Is it that I just missed it, or did RSL's name not appear on that clip? I probrably just missed it. *shrugs* Anyways, I was watching some Torino Winter Olympics thingy on TV, and saw this Figure Skater, Stephane Lambiel, who freakily resembles RSL...
  9. R


    Re: Introductions Hello to: Sarah, Sara, Jennifer and Amy! :D
  10. R

    What are you reading?

    Let me tell you a story: One fine night, I sat down and watched Great Expectations, starring Ethan Hawke. After the movie, I was pretty impressed, and I remembered my brother had the book around somewhere. I told myself "You better get your ass down to reading more classic Dickens books or...
  11. R


    Re: Introductions Welcome Lucy and Mel!
  12. R

    House MD

    Lol yeah I watched the clip too, it was hilarious. :lol:
  13. R

    House MD

    The best thing is, while everyone has been paying attention to the House/Stacy story, Wilson seems to be spiraling downwards in the background. Angry Wilson, I liiiiike. I hope the writers are gonna build up a sneaky Wilson explosion in the later episodes.
  14. R

    House MD

    Though that comment he made to Chase about not being able to say goodbye to a dying parent was harsh.
  15. R


    Re: Introductions Hello there Melanie! Hope you have fun posting!
  16. R

    What is your favourite anime?

    Just thought of one more(cause I'm listening to the Opening theme right now lol). Cardcaptor Sakura! I used to watch it when I was much MUCH younger.
  17. R

    Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

    Lol. Which episode was it?
  18. R

    What is your favourite anime?

    Oooh, just remembered something else. Rave! Musica was so cool lol.
  19. R

    House MD

    Oh yeah, me too, the one on the 14th looks great. But once again, I'm gonna have to wait a few more months to actually see what its about.
  20. R

    100 hottest guys (BASED ON YOUR OPINION)

    Well, I'm no guy lol, but I wanna get, well, either my bellybutton or my lip pierced, when I finish high school. One more guy I just thought of: Jeff Hardy Luuuuuuurve the hair!