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  1. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    It's been about 19/20 degrees celcius today! It's wonderful and raining and overcast and cool! It was like this yesterday too, except it stormed yesterday as well...
  2. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: I have until Thursday off from work! EEE YAY! Up: I had a very fun and relaxing day. Up: It stormed and rained! Up: I had my first tutoring session with my friend for Maths (me being the tutor... lol!) Up: My mythology books are cooool! Up: Desperate Housewives is on tonight! Yay! Down...
  3. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Down: I had to work 8 hours today. Down: Today was the 5th consecutive day I had to work... in my holidays. Down: My toe hurtsDown: I'm tired. Down: I missed Veronica Mars last night. Up: Just one more day then I have a few days off! Yay!
  4. D

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe I have to work 6 days in a row starting tuesday! I already just worked three 8 hour shifts and I only get tomorrow off! Bloody hell... where did my holidays go?
  5. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    It's quite hot today... I thought there were supposed to be showers throughout the day but, I guess there's just no hope for rain... ever...
  6. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: Work wasn't too bad today. Down: It's hot and I'm tired! Down: I have to close at work for the 3rd day in a row.... *sigh* Down: I have no life...
  7. D

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I cant believe I'm about to start uni!!!!! I feel so old!!!!
  8. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: I finally went to my university campus and walked around and attended orientation thingies! Up: I had a fun day with my friends. Up: I have my favorite flavour of chips... yay! Down: It's been so disgustingly hot and humid today! Down: I have to work tomorrow...
  9. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Oh it is sooo digusting and hot right now. It's unbearable. It got up to 34 but with the humidity the apparent temperature was 36... oh by the Gods... someone please make it snow!!!!
  10. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Down: It's unbearably hot today. Thank the Gods for aircon though! Down: I had to work 8 hours today so now my feet are killing me. Down: I got a blister from my new shoes. Up: There's a slight possibility that it might actually storm this afternoon! YAY! Up: I had an awesome time on...
  11. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    It actually stormed today! I'm in awe! It wasn't fantastically big or anything but... it was still a storm! It was so steamy before the storm and then the temperature dropped afterwards... sooo nice!
  12. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Urgh... It's been absolutley disgusting today! Hot and humid and sticky and sunny... *sigh* Must have been about 30c but the humidity was crazy! Thank the Gods for air-con! How I long for rain... *sigh*
  13. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up - I had the day off today from work! Down - I had a very boring day at home... Down - It was hot and humid and disgusting all day today! Down - It's still hot and humid and disgusting! *melts*
  14. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Ewww, it's all hot and humid here today... and sunny! *dies* I WANT SNOW!!!!!! I can't wait for it to be winter... even though there won't be snow... it'll still be cold-ish!
  15. D

    Recent Purchases #2

    I bought a new wallet today, which I'd been meaning to do for ages! I also bought my grandma a pretty necklace for her birthday... I hope she likes it!
  16. D

    Smacking children - right or wrong?

    They only did it once or twice... and it worked! I think it was when I swore and I never swore after that... for a while anyway :p
  17. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: I have today off from work! Down: I have to do boring stuff today, like read through all of the university crap that UQ sent me. Down: It's hot :(
  18. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    It's hot and steamy today... wonderful... at least there's a breeze or I would have turned the air con on before now! I can't believe that it's storm season and we've only had like, one storm... and it wasn't even big!
  19. D

    Smacking children - right or wrong?

    I don't think that smacking children is always the answer... but some kids do need a good spankin! Although there is usually a better form of punishment that would be more effective then spanking... My parents would wash my mouth out with soap sometimes when I'd said something horrible and I...
  20. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Hot and sunny today... I wish it would just rain for like, a wee straight... but nooooooooo... *mumble grumble*