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  1. N

    you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

    Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 hey guys, havent posted since the end of the summer but ive missed you all so im back haha but umm when your friends throw you a surprise early bday csi style and order everything you need to process a crimescene online, give you a fake crime and make...
  2. N

    The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

    hey guys, first off, which episode is it where the guy has the 19 in waist line, and can anyone remember what time period that was in? i mentioned it in my hist class today and my teacher god mad at me and told me not to lie.... i was like NO ITS A TRUE THING! grrr thanks ~nix
  3. N

    CSI: Senses

    IT COMES OUT TOMORROW!!! :) ummm for sure i'll be at target/wallmart/wherever i can find it.... ~nix
  4. N

    true vinyl

    ahahahaha that is so something i would say :) yess that movie is great...simply becuase of eric... :) ~nix
  5. N


    heyy i just got back from vegas and i stayed at the bellagio too!! how amazing was the chocolate fountain at the jean phillipe pattiserie!?? ummm 2 TONS OF CHOCOLATE?!! haha...and yeah i was obsessed with the drap butons...i think i pressed those at least 3 times a day. i also got a picture of...
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    Re: Farewells thanks guys :) ~nix
  7. N


    Re: Farewells hey guys, just joined at the begining of the week and introduced myself already, but thought id say goodbye for a few off to VEGAS tomorrow morning at like 6am! :) be back next week!! have fun on the boards! ~nix
  8. N

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! lost2muchspeed- im guessing that that TV guide will be out sometime next week if its for the week of August 7th. i think you have to have a subscription to get it a week early but im not positive... speaking of eric!!! i just watched...
  9. N

    funniest csi moments (vegas)

    i absolutely LOVE it in "Cats in the Cradle..." episode, when greg has the mask on and the glove on his head and is rocking out to really loud rock music and grissom and cath come up behind him. that whole scene in hillarious...actually, any episode or scene where greg is goofing off is a...
  10. N

    Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread #4.0

    Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4 hehe i just watched In Good Company just because Marg's in it :) i forgot how good of a job she did with her part in that movie :) ~nix
  11. N

    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    sorry, i cant give you her exact address, but if you can find the address to the CSI studios in CA, you can just address the letter to her instead of an actor or the show in general. good luck! ~nix
  12. N

    The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

    nevermind...figured it out hehe....its play with fire... ~nix
  13. N

    The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

    which episode does the lab explode in? the one where greg gets affected and etc? i forget... thanks in advance! ~nix
  14. N

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    oooh i didnt get that....good point though.... ~nix
  15. N

    Have you ever... ?

    24 hrs? no, because i breeze through books and finish them in a few hours....if i was a slow reader than i would have though, because i cant put i book down one i start it. have you ever splurged on something really expensive and then completely regretted buying it in the first place? haha did...
  16. N

    Have you ever... ?

    god yes....there was this girl who would start crying whenever someone told her what to do. even if it was like "can you please go grab the stapler for me?" shed go crazy and start crying because we were "yelling at her". the worst was in theatre when the director told her she was doing...
  17. N

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    ok well, im really not that worried after reading that atricle. yeah, he does gets caught in the line of fire, and he does get hurt physically and mentally, and it does say that he debates staying in the lab or going bak out on field work, but they wouldnt make him a CSI 1 and then make him the...
  18. N

    got any brushes with CSI fame?

    ooh ive got a list like that too....except its kind of infinite... haha ~nix
  19. N

    Crossing Jordan

    just a note for all you cj fans out there- check out the crossing jordan section of the coffeerooms forum. right now its really slow since the show isnt airing new episodes, but especially during the year, its great. totally different set up than this forum, harder to read...kind of a pain, but...