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  1. ilh214

    Dirty Back Road

    that was great! :) wonderfully written. "I mean, it might look good for us to do that. To let me grab her hand first" :lol: i loved that.
  2. ilh214

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Pilots ~Voting! beginner: 06 02 14 advanced: 21 06 03
  3. ilh214

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #2 - Ch#24: Muscles ~ Join now!

    Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #15: Voting! beginners: 13 19 12 advanced: 05 10 24 awesome banners everyone!
  4. ilh214

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    jamiroquai- runaway chemical brothers- fight club theme rihanna- umbrella eric clapton- crossroads black stone cherry- violater girl billy currington- good directions keane- is it any wonder? cher- believe nappy roots- po' folks moby- procelain
  5. ilh214

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 2 - Ch.#28 ~Yellow - Results!

    Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 16 - RESULTS! well this one is certainly different. i like it. its really interesting. :) i'm in.
  6. ilh214

    Horatio/DC # 13: Missing: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

    Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP! i loved kit kat. he was so cute. i was really dissapointed the first time i watched it b/c i kept waiting for him to say something and he never did but the second time i watched it i appreciated dc's character. he was great, the...
  7. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To megan. ugh. i don't think i could have handled it if she had stayed on. it was too much of a power struggle between them. natalia wouldn't be like that. they cannot honestly expect us to believe that horatio keeps everything inside...
  8. ilh214

    CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut :lol: omg the scary part is that horatio's last line is entirely possible. poor kid. at least when horatio acts all rediculous people still have to respect him because he has a badge and well, he's the man. but a 16 yr old kid? he...
  9. ilh214

    NFL - National Football League

    woo!! i'm excited. idk if i'll catch the game tonight but i'll definately be watching the begals vs. lions on thusrday! WHO DEY BITCHES!!!!
  10. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To thats exactly what i was thinking!! i hate that H doesn't have that connection or bond with one character. like a real partner or whatever. in the beginning it looked like calleigh would be but i swear i don't think they said 2 words...
  11. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To hi Patricia!! i'm so glad you found us!! (if anyone asks i didn't bribe you to post in here :D) H/N isn't my OTP either but my other ship is sooo not happening since 1/2 of it is dead (or supposed to be anyway). but out of all the...
  12. ilh214

    Crossing Jordan

    it sounds really interesting. some people did something similar when Newsradio got cancelled and it was cool. i hate it when shows just end and leave you hanging for eternity. don't they realize that fans need closure!?!?
  13. ilh214

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #2 - Ch#24: Muscles ~ Join now!

    Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!! i have mine made but having serious computer problems and can't upload them :( i'm still trying though and if i ever get it through i'll enter advanced even if i am a little scared to.
  14. ilh214

    Who has a LiveJournal?

    my LJ is here i post mostly icons with a bit of nonsense thrown in every once in a while :)
  15. ilh214

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 2 - Ch.#28 ~Yellow - Results!

    Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 16 - RESULTS! wow. thanks! congrats to the other winners :D
  16. ilh214

    Name The Episode #2

    damn you're good :D thats right.
  17. ilh214

    Favorite TV Show Quotes

    Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Norm MacDonald: Jonathan Schmitz, the “Jenny Jones” guest who killed his secret gay admirer because of his fear and hatred of homosexuality, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. Well, I guess that plan backfired! Jimmy Fallon: This week, Georgia’s...
  18. ilh214

    Name The Episode #2

    groovy. :) here we go. H: Do what you just did again.
  19. ilh214

    Who Said It? #3

    Re: Who Said It? #3 yelina?
  20. ilh214

    Let's Talk Gay

    congrats SaraSidle_girl on the engagement, i hope all goes well and congrats AshleyWillows on gettin some girl on girl action! i've had a really gay day... apparently someone forgot to send me a memo or something because there were lesbians everywhere today. me and my mom went to walmart and...