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  1. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Lori gets a toy...Somehow, I should be upset, but oddly, I'm not. Lori deserves any happiness that she can get * with her own man, mind you*. A nice sports car is just the right thing. I love how good she and Scott are now, it's throwing me back to the past when they first met...they were so...
  2. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I just realized that I hadn't reviewed earlier, and for that I apologize. A crowbar to the body tends to change the pace of things, but lucky for Katie, Tom's a tough cat. Russell is dispicable, so glad that Tom dispatched him quickly. Now...about Katie. She's so lucky that Tom's being a...
  3. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Okay...I'm going to do this as diplomatically as possible, because as I do like- NO LOVE this story , and have since it's inception, I DO NOT LIKE Lori and Tom's relationship. I don't know, call me old fashioned, or well, insane, but Tom almost treats her as reverently as a wife. I think that...
  4. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    What an eventful shoot:D. Never thought that things would be so awkward with Lori- she knows she's hot, and she knows Scott's hot,...what was the problem? Although at the end, everything seemed to work out. It was nice to see Scott so receptive to Lori...and happy. And then the...
  5. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Interesting... From accusations of drug use, to photo shoots....this runs the gamut. I love that Scotty basically threw Lori out under the bus about the shoot. But what matters is that the car is going to be there:D . I also thought it interesting that Tom and Scott were about to...
  6. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Tom's inquiring... hmm...I wonder where this may lead? Interesting to see what happens because of this. Either way about it, I think that hearts maybe shattered. Tom's discussion with Katie explains a lot of things. But at the same time, she has to take responsibility for her actions...
  7. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Oh what the hell! The solution to getting rid of Anni is to sleep with Tom? UGH...what's wrong with these people! Tom should talk OPENLY about how much this really does bother him, Anni should talk OPENLY how she needs affection from her husband, Scotty and Lori...JUST NEED TO TALK
  8. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Scott went from cute to asswipe in a matter of seconds. He should never....I repeat..>NEVER allow him anything that takes his logical thinking away. I'm talking champange, joints, drugs... ANYTHING, because it turns him into a big...Ass. H***. There, now that's been done, I think that he should...
  9. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Ah...the boys have a day together. I'm surprised that the world didn't blow up. All that male testosterone...all that Yummy-ne- Oh...sorry, got a little sidetrack, but yeah....Speed, Scott and Tom? Nice day indeed. And it was capitalized with the fact that Scotty brought a new car. I'm sure...
  10. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Tom is in a word...Hilarious. He's the all around guy, the belcher, the advice magnet, the chick magnet, the one who gets everyone out of trouble, and the one who was, at a time, the hell raiser. It's good to be him. :guffaw: I love that Lori and Scott have reconnected. Now, I think it's time...
  11. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    After all THAT, I think it would've been far better for them to actually have done it! Anni's got a plan, but as well all know, plans are bumpkus when against human nature. Scott feels for Anni, Anni apparently feels for Scott, my question is, did she concot this plan to get what she wants? Can...
  12. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    VEEERY interesting:D I loved that everyone was at a consensus about Katie. Poor Katie though, she's being piled upon. Maybe she'll listen...*the chances of that are nil though* . I also loved Tom and Scotty's convo. It's just like brothers - they have women vying for them, and they have...
  13. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    :guffaw: Tom and Lori are double trouble for sure. Lori's heart is in the right place, but I think Tom has disclosed all he was going to disclose. I hope that it's enough to get him and Anni on the up and up. It was cute that Lori was feeding him info and when the convo was done, they had this...
  14. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I am so glad that Scott had the good sense to go somewhere and think. And even better that Tom went to go and retrieve him. There's a sense of comeradire between them, especially since Tom's somewhat understanding of the situation. However, as we see, it's a totally different story in couple's...
  15. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13 about the cold shoulder. I'm sure that made Anni feel oodles better. But I can see that if Scotty wants to get back with Lori, he's going to have to cut Anni away, which of course is sad for Anni * and who knows, perhaps Scotty too*. I have to say, what a bang up job this couple's...
  16. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Crisis averted! For the moment, because Katie's relentless. It's clear that she definitely doesn't want to mend anything with Anni- she's going after her man after all, and this all AFTER she pretty much embarasses her in front of everyone* which was way harsh*.'s safe to say that this...
  17. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Interesting...VERY interesting. I liked how this morphed from a physical battle royale to a war of worlds, to heart to hearts...Such a plethora of feelings in such a short period of time. It's what I love about this story! You brought the pain, now it's time for healing:D Awesome two chapters!
  18. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Not a good way to start off a couple's retreat. Didn't I say that it was going to be interesting? Scotty arriving drunk is just leading to proving my point. I hope that things trend upwards for them all. They ALL need a bit more understanding:guffaw: I said this would be interesting, right...
  19. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I think I like Tom's new way of thinking! Anything to get all these couples happy! His newfound enlightenment is very interesting, and anythign that keeps him out of trouble, is good for me. I do like how he and Lori were able to talk about the past openly. I can't wait for this couple's...
  20. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Anni's got it REAAAAAAAAAAAALLY bad. Poor Anni. I guess that's what happens when you get a taste of Scott. It seems as if she took the fantasy a bit further than Scott was comfortable with and she may just be holding this torch alone. *Sigh*It's sad to be the one holding it... I fear she may...