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  1. M

    Hottest Men And Women - Poll

    men CSI:LV:warrick,nick women CSI:LV:catherine,sara,wendy
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    Season Finale Poll Thread

    when i was whiching csi:lv final i was sooo excited then i saw the the time it be contiued...i was crying and yelling at the tv :lol: :eek:
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    Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to ....

    Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to i would want to play a very very smart girl that help the csi team with a case or sumthing
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    you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

    Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 u dream about it 5 days in a row
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    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    hey im sammii.....i luv csi to the fullest catherine is my favorite i watch csi:lv only
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    Signature Banners # 5 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    hey uhmm...i really want a banner with....catherine.. sayin Sexy Back.....if u could make that ill luv ya 4 ever
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    Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

    wow marg looks pretty she'd a dreamer
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    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    wow marg was great on Conan O'brien,she look beautiful...and she was soooo funny. beautiful as all ways
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    Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

    did yall see the view this morning? was kool, but they were like asking her stuff at the same time and she couldnt even finsh what she was staying,but since marg was on the showm it was
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    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    dude i know i was like slow down, she was asked alot of stuff and she couldnt even finsh what she was saying cause they where askin at one time. and the not knowing how 2 pronounce her name, i was like wtf? anyway all in all it was great
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    Liev/Keppler Thread #1

    hey thread im sammii..i didnt git 2 see them at all in action..cause i had 2 got out of town,but from wat i heard he was good...and some where i saw...him and cath....really?
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    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

    hey thread, im sammii just came 2 show eric some luv. my sister frickin luv this man.........her wall......well let not go there, but i think he's a very good actor...and just soo frickin cute
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

    hi thread im sammii i luv george he's a dreamer and well i just have the biggest crush on him :D......there i said it :eek: :)
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    CSI LV Awards Discussion

    Re: CSI LV Awards Discussion i think they are looking in the wrong place. look @ csi cast they should b getting a award looking soo frickin sexy i been what other cast u know that 7 out of 9 cast member lokkin hella sexyy........ they would win ever time
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    Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

    WOW marg looks so pretty GOD u just got 2 luv her *yells* GO MARG!!
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    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    dude omg i have like 3 more hours 2 watch the view and im sooo sleepy...but i cant go 2 sleep now... its marg we are talkin bout i have 2 watch it. any wayz do any 1 knows wat time she is coming on 2night thankz and a sleepy sam
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    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    wat time is she comin on the view
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    Helgenberger: I Could Give Her Some Tips

    i saw that interview and she was sooo cute
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    CSI: The Experience

    Re: CSI Experience: MSI Opening Day my mom is talkin me and my best friendz later this week soooo happy